I've never had a problem with Smartkey anywhere else, but on Fri mornings I treat myself to Starbucks, so I stop at the Starbucks at Naval Station North Island and across the street from the Coffee shop is the Aircraft Carrier USS Vinson. When I'm at Starbucks, the Smartkey doesn't work, can't lock or unlock the car even using the buttons, car will turn off, but won't power on unless I plug the key into the slot. If I park behind the coffee shop, essentially putting the concrete building between the Vinson and my car, the Smartkey works fine, so obviously something from the Vinson is killing my Smartkey, but I know none of the high power stuff (radars) is running, but don't know what Comms stuff is running, or maybe it's just having that huge mass of metal near the key that's killing it. Once I leave and get to the office, Smartkey works fine again. Anybody got any insight?
There is a two way RF link between the Smart fob and the car. As I recall, the fob communicates to the car at around 300+ MHz while the car communicates to the fob via a low frequency. Apparently the aircraft carrier is producing some RF which interferes with this communication. I believe that military aircraft UHF communication is in the 300 MHz range. BTW I was in that area a couple of weeks ago, stayed at the Sheraton Marina, visited the Midway aircraft carrier museum, and drove around Coronado, Point Loma, etc. A great tourist destination and I did not notice any fob problems with my 2004 - although I was not close to either of the two active aircraft carriers based there.
I think we've discovered why Jet Planes don't come with the SKS system. It's interesting but I think you've pretty much discovered and solved the mystery in one breath. Obviously The Prius SKS system is put into a failure mode around over priced Lattes.