I don't know much about these things but I want to install a sub in my prius. My speakers are really good but i just want a good bass. how much do you think this will cost to get installed? also what's an amp? thanks!
I installed BOSS BASS600 under the passenger seat. I am very satisfied with it. I don't loose any interior volume. It is hidden away. It gives me the bass that complement the crystal clear sound from the Infinity speakers. I spent $99.99 for it (comes with a built-in amp) and wiring kit for $13. I installed it myself with the guidance of F8L. I ran the RCA cable and Control wire (to turn on the sub) from the head unit to the sub. I ran the ground wire to the seat bolt. The power cable run straight to the trunk where the 12v battery is located. It is very simple. There is no drilling to pass the firewall like a non-hybrid to get to the hood. There are the pics I took when wiring the power cable.
And I installed my BOSS BASS 600 behind the rear seats. It's a easy inexpensive unit that just plain works! You won't hear it cars away, but it will add to the bottom end nicely inside the car! Search the forum, select "Show Posts" and input "SUBWOOFER BOSS BASS" it will return 9 threads that you should read through.
I went to my friendly audio dealer for a sub. He recommended a power amp for it. Oh, and while we are at it, we could replace the front speakers. And the back one. And add an interface so the Nav and phone would work. And a digital signal processor to properly equalize the system. And some sound baffling in the door. That way lies madness. But it sounds great.
The equipment shown above is an excellent way to spend little money and get some much needed bass in your system. The other route is to buy a non-integrated amplifier and subwoofer and use a typical "box" as the enclosure for the subwoofer. The difference here is that you will spend more money and use up more cargo room but you can achieve much cleaner and louder bass if you choose to spend the money. The typical quality amplifier rated at 300-500 watts should run you $200-$500. The typical quality subwoofer that can handle that power should run you about $150-$250 (add $50-$70 for a nice box) You'll also need an amplifier installation kit ($40-$80) and a stock stereo interface to obtain signal for the amplifier ($20-$35) As you can see, the non-integrated systems can be more costly but for people like me who love to shake the entire car with deep rich bass there is no other option.
Nope, nothing. It is just sitting on the floor covering the air duct. The 4 corner of the seat leg bases prevent it from moving. I have been wanting to install the included velcro. I am not going to screw it to the floor and make a few holes.
I just had my subs installed in my 2004 Prius. Might be a bit overboard, but it really sounds clean. I also swapped out the speakers for upgraded JBLs (I blew out the factory JBLs). 2 10" Kickers in a carpeted box powered by a 1000w Performance Teknique with a custom bass knob installed by the "smart" button under the steering wheel. I also went out and bought an iPad, which fits wonderfully in the CD holder tray thing.
I like the iPad action, I'm slowly leaning towards that instead of a traditional head unit myself. You guys with the dual monster subs, I don't get it! I love it but I don't get it. My single 8" driven by 250W gives more rumble than I can handle. - D
Heh...Like I said earlier, it IS a bit unnecessary, but totally worth it. Prius at the drive-in? ...omg. 1. You just leave the car on. Engine kicks on, charges when it needs to. You don't have to worry about the battery dying. 2. The subs make the experience better than theater-like. But yeah, the iPad is totally worth it. I was thinking about having it custom fitted into a 300zxTT I had a while back, but ended up not. It works out perfect in the Prius because of that little tray. And since I can tether it with my iPhone, I've got Pandora, YouTube, Maps, and all the other wonderful internet apps wherever I go. Definitely worth looking into. I think the next step is rims. Anyone have any recommendations? I think I'd like to keep the same size, or at least very close. I had 18's on my Eclipse Spyder, but that would be completely ridiculous on a Prius.
That look great! I've ordered a fusion 12" with built in pre-amp. Are there low level ouput in my prius II executive?
I just checked Amazon -dot- com (why does Priuschat block that website???) they have a Boss Audio Bass800, Amplified Subwoofer 8-inch, 800-watt system for $99!!! I'm in on that. USBSeawolf2000 how did you wire the system for sound? Did you tap into the speakers and use the high-level inputs on the subwoofer? Sorry to thread jack desertrider2215, but the Boss Audio Subwoofer under the passenger seat is an awesome idea, and I can't pass that up. -- Just like you I've been wanting more bass for a long time, and wow your post couldn't have come at a better time! For $99 an amplified sub is a great deal, and if it fits under the passenger seat hidden, out of sight, even better. Other larger systems might thump harder, but I need to use the trunk space for what it was intended for... a trunk - not a super bass enclosure full of equipment and speakers that will hit so hard that the system will rattle the fillings out of my teeth... Please provide some more installation info USBSeawolf2000 - Thanks! Ps - I'm not digging at those who *DO* want to fill their trunk with equipment and have the bass hit so hard that all the windows vibrate... I'm just saying I'm at the point in my life where I don't need that, but want more bass output from my stock system.
Now, how hard did the trunk rattle and how has it held up for so long? I want to install 2- 12" w 1200 watt amp.