I have a portable Sirius receiver that I have installed into each of my cars for the past number of years. I put a dock/tray into each car, and have one in the house, so I can move the receiver to any car or the house, yet only have to pay one subscription. The Prius is now a week old, so it's time to dig into the panel to install it. I put the dock into the CD storage bin behind the smoked window door. Ran power wires from the cigarette lighter, drew the antenna wire in behind interior molding pieces, and ran the audio output to the Aux jack in the center console. The project worked great. I had to pull the dashboard apart to do all this, but no big deal with Chris Dragon's awesome guide. Here are some pictures of the installation. The first is the wire going into the Aux jack. I lifted the center console and ran the wire under the carpet from the console to the stereo stack, worked slick. You have to have a plug in the Aux jack to get the stereo system to switch to Aux, so it was easiest to just do this. I considered figuring out where the Aux input wires were in the wire harnesses and going direct to them, but would still have to activate the Aux jack, so this was simpler yet. [attachmentid=4466] The next two pictures are the Sirius receiver installed, and then the portable receiver out of the car in which you can see the tray. When the receiver is not in the car (it's usually in my wife's car) the smoked window door closes to hide all of the installation. [attachmentid=4467] [attachmentid=4468] Notice the switch to the left of the tray. This is a Purple wire switch to knock out the obnoxious lawyer dissable functions on the Bluetooth and MP3 player. While your in there doing wiring, might as well put this one in as well. Many thanks to Chris Dragon for his excellent guide to tearing the dashboard apart. It made the project easy and a lot less concerning. For those looking for this guide, here is the link: Chris Dragon's Stereo Install Time to go drive and enjoy all the new capabilities