I have a question about NY State inspection, particularly NY City. I own a 2009 purchased in Apr 2009. I just got it inspected May 1, 2010. From what i read on the NYS DMV page regarding the fees. It is $10 for Safety + $27 for emissions. The confusing bit is the number of years where Emissions inspection is not required. See here: http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/vehsafe.htm For instance. My vehicle was first inspected probably sometime just before my purchase in 2009. It was later inspected on May 1, 2010 (today) for the cost of $10 (safety only). Next time around, say on June 1, 2011, what fee would I be paying for inspecting my car. Its confusing because there are some portions of the website which state two model years or below do not require emissions. And other areas which state the two models or more require emissions inspections. Its like an inclusion condition for both of them (which doesn't make sense). Anyone want to sort this out. Its not a prius question, per se, but i put it here since I do own a prius of this year and my question does pertain to its maintenance. The reason why I am asking is, if I am going to be charged $37 the next time around, I'd rather pay $10 to get my car inspected once more at the end of this year (say Dec 1, 2010) so that I have an extended inspection coverage until end of 2011 (when I actually will have to pay $37 on Jan 1, 2012). Make sense? So I'm looking for someone who knows the answer to this inspection fee question for new york state/city. Thanks in advance. Joe
I don't know the answer. All I know is that I was charged $10 for the inspection one year after I bought the car, and then I was charged $37 for the inspection each subsequent year.
I live upstate near Poughkeepsie, but in Ulster Co. My yearly inspection is $21. Has been ever since I moved here in 2000. Is there some difference from here to NYC. Probably some stupid city tacked on fee. State inspection is $21 wherever you are in the state. I asked a few people I know from all over NY. My '08 Camry was only $15 the first year because it wasn't a year old when I had had it a year. Don't know what difference that made, but.......