My 2011 Prius information display started showing oil change logo several weeks ago then disappears. Then today it stayed on permanently. I referred to the manual and found how to reset it, no problem. What I am curious is how often it will pop up ie every 3K miles like my old 2006 model? The dealer has put in synthetic oil good for 10K miles. At present, I am at 21+K miles when the logo popped up. The window sticker says I should change it in October or 26K miles. This car has the nav with sat radio package (whatever its package number is) and I did a memory erase to erase all previous owner data. I then pulled up the maintenance screen for oil and it had blank entries, so the information display pop up wasn't coming from there, thus I assume the oil change is "hard coded" into the nav package software. Just curious if there is way to change mileage intervals and any other tidbits about this package.
The reminder comes up every 5000 miles. If you are going to go the full 10k miles OCI, you should at 5000 miles check the level of the oil. Make sure it's still full and not low. If the oil is not full, top off the oil until it is full and then reset your oil maintenance light. That will remind you again in 5000 miles to change the oil.
My initial Maintenance reminder came on early. As a result the warning will come on based on the last reset. I'm going to wait on mine until the odometer reads 25,000 then reset it from that point and see when the 30,000 comes on. I'm almost sure it will display at around 28,500. I hate it when that thing nags at me.
Mine came on at somewhere around 23400 miles. 1500 miles early is somewhat of an annoyance . Every time you turn off the car and restart, you have to override the display by pushing the Display button. That's almost like my dog's identification chip making her bark when it's time for her rabies shot.
Keep in mind that the light comes on 4500 miles after the last time it was re-set. If the last re-set was at, say, 8500 miles, the light will come on at 13,000 and became fixed at 13,500. There is a procedure posted on the maintenance board for re-setting the oil maintenance light. You may want to use it rather than to hit display every time you get in the car.