Is there some kind of a problem with the quality of tires that Toyota includes on a Prius that they seem to wear out so soon from what so many are reporting? Does a person need to go to a tire dealer and upgrade shortly after purchase? Does Toyota need to step up to the plate and furnish higher quality tires with the vehicle? Not sure why such a light vehicle would wear down tires so much. Please explain and advise. May be purchasing a Prius within 30-60 days.
Those choices listed are way too limited. The comments are extremely vague. In fact, there's no detail at all. And the reference to weight is just plain wrong. No need requirement or basis of comparison was provided either. You get an adequate tire. It works fine for many. What ratings do you want... Treadwear? Traction? Temperature? .
I agree with John but I voted anyway. I have driven on the stock tires for over 30k miles with minimal wear and in all kinds of weather except DEEP snow and never had a problem with them. True they are not as good in terms of handling or traction as a high performance tire but most factory equipped tires rarely are. I lived in Ontario, OR. when I was young and if it still dumps snow pretty hard in the winter then you may want to invest in a set of snow tires. Other than that the stock tires are fine if you keep them aired up properly.
Ehh, what's the big deal? Even if they do wear out after 20,000 miles, you still got 20,000 miles of use out of them.