In the years ahead....

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by SparrowHawk60, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. SparrowHawk60

    SparrowHawk60 Happy to be green!

    Mar 3, 2008
    Town of Newburgh, NY, U.S.of A.
    2008 Prius
    What can I say, maybe the meds aren't working quite right today:

    In the not so distant future our world as we know it now has drastically changed. Maybe not for the better, but we have grown accustom to the changes and life as we know it no longer goes on.
    The United States and Canada have joined together as one nation, now known as the Upper American Continent. The Dollar system has failed and the Euro has now been adopted as the world's currency. Gasoline and Diesel are now fuels from a by gone era, reserved in very limited supply for the Governments machines of defense. Caucasians are now the minority, and they can only obtain a job after paying numerous taxes for the oppression of the other races over the past centuries. The Salsa (Spanish Americans legislating Spanish Accompaniments) reform act is in full swing. It's now mandatory for all who live in the Upper American Continent to speak Spanish while in Public places. Firearms of any sort have been confiscated and destroyed following the Veterans Revolt of 2010. (The Veterans Administration Health Care system has failed and closed, leaving thousands of War Veterans with out any health care. They took to the streets in great numbers, trying to over throw the Government and many of them were killed and died in the streets they had once deafened.)
    Long after Hillary Clinton is impeached during her second election term: (She admits to having an lesbian affair with an intern, her second husband and Vice President Barack Obama now becomes the President.)
    I'm returning from my mandatory re certification to drive on the open road. Having paid for my Hybrid recharge with my Euro exchange card, I am happy to have my implant updated with my renewed driving privileges and vehicle registration. I am one of the few hundred thousand allowed to own a vehicle, having won the privilege in a nation wide lottery. I am not relegated to mass transit systems of mono rails and people helped buses. (You get in and help pedal the bus with everyone else through a system of cycle seats you sit in and pedal to generate electricity which powers the bus.)
    I stop at my favorite eatery, for a processed ham and cheese sandwich, (animals have long since stopped being killed for food, and meat has been replaced by an artificial substitute.) I also acquire a bottle of Nutrim Water, paying a premium and water tax. I am weighed and charged by my weight for my sandwich. (The larger you are the more you pay, as you put a stress on the environment and it's resources.
    Returning to my housing section, my vehicle is inspected by a robot that retrieves the length of time I was absent, kilometers traveled, and I am assessed a total for road use tax. When I enter my designated housing area my groceries are weighed and I am assessed a recycling tax for the waste they will cause, both the goods themselves and my own bodily waste that will be produced by them.
    I relax and turn on my solar collection station monitor to see if I've earned enough credits to watch my entertainment system. Two hours of "selected" viewing is what I'm allowed this day. I turn on my rechargeable video to view pictures of what once were my pets. (Pets no longer are allowed as they do not contribute to society, environment, or economics. Dogs, cats, birds, fish, as species once kept as pets have all been allowed to die off.) I drift off to sleep only to be awakened by my air reclamation device, seems my face mask wasn't properly in place before I feel asleep and my CO 2 wasn't being recycled.
    Face mask now in place, I fall back to sleep, dreaming of how good we had it in 2008.