So yeah, I joined PC a few weeks ago but didn't read/post thoroughly until a couple days ago. Coincidentally, that's also when I signed the contract to buy my yet-to-arrive Prius (scheduled to arrive to the port on 10/31, and I can take delivery around next Tuesday I'm thinking). Now that I've contracted to buy my Prius I am reading about the 2006 tax CREDIT versus the 2005 tax deduction and I'm totally bummed. Don't get me wrong: I'm totally excited to get my Prius next week. But I wish I'd read PC more carefully and found out that if I just waited a few months and gotten a 2006 Prius in January I would've ended up saving like $2000 (and gotten a stereo that played mp3s to boot).
Seems like it would be worth the time to ask if they would bump you, giving your car to someone on the waiting list, and put you on the list for a 2006? I would be surprised if they didn't accommodate you.
I'd be surprised, too. It would all depend on how many unspoken-for '05s they have left or coming in. You might want to check around (unless this doersn't matter), starting with your dealer, to see how long their "list" is for '06s. Mosr dealers have been compiling such lists. Some haven't, preferring to wait until they've actually been notified of their first '06 shipment (e.g., Carson Toyota). For the color and package you want, you might find yourself in the "first 10" at one dealer---and 30th at another. Guarantee you're not alone, though. All over the country folks are just hearing about the '06 tax break. Good luck.
Because of the tax credit, there's going to be a huge demand for Priuses early next year. (The credit will almost certainly phase out for Toyota by the end of June.) And because of the tax credit, there will be many people NOT buying Priuses in late 2005, as they hold out for 2006. Therefore, many dealers are going to mark up the Prius' price in early 2006, while they may be trying to get them off their lots in late 2005. Net result: You might not actually pay much more if you buy your Prius this year. And you won't have to wait until 2007 for any money you save.
You wouldn't have to wait until filing '06 taxes in '07. As someone cleverly pointed out here, you could change your withholding for '06 to "pay yourself", as the year goes by, in advance.
How much did you put down to hold it? First of all I would see if they will simply transfer it to the 2006? Tell them they can keep the car on the lot and if they sell it, you wiill buy a 2006 instead. If they won't go for that, your second option if to give up the money you put down knowing that you will more than make it up with the tax credit and better resale value having a year newer car.