Just received my Canadian spashguards and they look easy to install. I have a 1 1/2 ton floor jack and would prefer to jack up the Prius using floor jack rather than the scissors jack that comes with the car. I noticed that there is a center support point under the rear of the car painted the same color of the car that looks like it was designed to be used as a center jack support. What about under the front of the car, what is the point that can be used for jacking? Anyone with experience in this area?
The document on this webpage... http://john1701a.com/prius/prius-oilchange.htm ...has photos of the point I've used.
There's no need to jack up the front of the car at all...you can turn the wheels far enough for access.
Jacking it UP Ok, thanks for the info and the tips. However, what about a jack point of the rear? Can I use that painted center point extension protruding from behind the suspension to lift the rear of the Prius with the floor jack?
that pointed stub sticking down just behind the rear suspension center beam is the jacking point for the rear of the car if in doubt check the owner's manual. It's in there. On the front I use a spreader bar for my floor jack that extends across the front frame mount and picks up two points just inside the lower control arm inner mounts. It's very secure and has rubber pads on the end for a secure no slip mount. Take the saddle off the jack and install the spreader. Paid about 45$ for it. Put Jack stands under the car before working under it! Front and back. Better smart than smart and dead.
I applied my splashguards without removing the front wheels. I picked up a rightangle drill chuck kit which allowed me to drill the hole (through plastic, not metal by the way) at a 90 deg angle.
Thanks for the tips Installed the spashguards today with no problems. Thanks for the jacking info. BTW, the rear guards fit flush, but I added a matching small screw to the inside lip because the guard tends to warp away 1/4". Can't wait to test them in the rain, etc.