Trying to decide if/when to sell our 2001 Prius, and wondering how much longer we might realistically get out of the HV battery. We replaced it in 2008 (new, replaced by dealer), so got seven years out of the first one--coming up seven for the second next year, but I read about many Gen 1s that are still on their original batteries, so clearly some last longer than others. Has anyone had to replace the battery a second time, and if so, how many years did you get out of the second? Any other parts that are starting to fail from age rather than mileage? (Low mileage car and we've already replaced the inverter and inverter coolant pump; everything else looks good right now, but not sure what other big ticket things to be watching out for.) Thanks!
You should have an independent mechanic look at your hv battery. The first one you replaced most likely had 1-2 bad modules rendering the whole pack (38 modules) useless. Each module can he purchased for $35-$40. It's not that difficult of a job. Prius owners should google Prius battery repair on YouTube or Google. Dealers are wayyyyyyy over charging for this.
Thanks--happily all is well with the current battery, and the one that we did replace was under warranty so not out anything there. Just curious whether other cars have seen similar lifespans with replacement batteries (assuming similar driving patterns, etc.), or if it's completely random depending on the individual battery. (I guess to further clarify--if we sell the car, we'd like to do it while the car is still running nicely on a dealer-installed battery, so trying to guess in the dark at what the time frame on that might be! We have had our local independent mechanic check it out and it's running beautifully for now, although I also learned that neither they nor the other shop in our area do individual cell replacements or rebuilt battery installs anymore anyway, because they've found the failure rate too high.) We replaced #1 at 55K miles and seven years, and we're now at 95K miles and thirteen years, so proceeding with caution!
i have a 2001 w a re-built battery pack (w/ gen 2. 2007 modules) the battery was re-built 3 years ago and has been working great. the bigger problem is that the transmission is starting to go. uggghhh! i just saw a post om here where someone was driving an 01' with 333,333k miles and had replaced the hv battery around 150 or so (i forget the posts exact details) it's nearly impossible to predict battery failure. i'd say drive it until you can't drive it anymore. the blue book value is probably only around 3k so it's not gonna make or break you. it's probably more valuable for you to get as much use as possible out of the car. good luck!
My experience it that time is a major factor in the life of a HV battery. The original Prius had a 100,000 mile, 10 years warranty on the Hybrid System. I have had two 2001 Prii and both needed a new battery at 8 years. After gen1 the warranty changed to 100,000 miles, 8 years. Tesla battery has a 8 year warranty.
It took Consumers Union until 2014 to even see enough Prius battery replacements in their annual survey data to offer meaningful statistics; in February 2014 they published replacement rates of 4% at 11 years, 5% at 12 years. My original is at 13 and counting (looks for wood to knock).... I know the OP was asking about longevity of the second battery ... but it might take a while to get adequate statistics on that! -Chap
4% in 11 years, who'da thunk it? This would put the part we worry about most in the 99th percentile for longevity. Now I can go back to worrying about parts other than the battery. 160k on the original HV here.