I just bought the yellow top Optima Battery as i let the aux battery was in need of replacement. Some weird lights throwing and it was past five years. I looked at a few tutorials and successfully pulled the old battery. What I found was a solid block of ice that the battery was sitting in. I'm in the Northeast so the ice issue isn't whats' confusing rather the how and why water would get in there in the first place. I grabbed a heat gun and cleaned the whole area out, including poking through there drain holes so water could drain back out. There is the little vent in there, is that how water can get in? I bought this car used with 97000 miles on it and have had no issues. No water anywhere in the car either. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
Yeah...unfortunately, this. Good news is that it appears to be fixable for cheap provided you can find the crack(s). My 2008 has a minor leak which I THINK I've patched...time will tell. Others have major issues. Don't let it go because it could impinge on the HV battery for even worse issues.