So I was getting my car worked on today, and while he was under the hood the mechanic said he found about five pounds of ice in there! I asked how it got there, and the sales clerk (I didn't talk to the mechanic directly, she was just reading his notes) said he didn't have any idea (whether he did or not, or whether he just didn't say why I don't know). When I asked what to do about it, she just said, "just keep an eye on it). I believe him; last time it rained here, the next day there was a HUGE puddle under my car, obviously coming from the car itself. I checked the drainage and it seemed OK; it definitely wasn't coolant or any other fluid. So: What could be causing it? And more importantly, what can I do about it?
It would help to know where it was found... Anyway, trying to cover all possibilities about what to do: don't park under dripping water in freezing weather, replace the missing/damaged wheel well liner, have the A/C repaired.
The customer service rep who I was dealing with was not exactly helpful (more on that in another thread); she didn't tell me (admittedly I didn't ask, but if I did, I almost certainly would not have gotten a useful answer) so I can't tell you.
Possibly moving to a climate that's usually 33° or higher should help with this problem, or you could just wait 90 more days!