Dear Digest, ... ordinarily falling under the category of Saab stories, it's been since day one on my Gen II that, somehow slipping by the QA people on Toyota's assembly line, I inherited a lazy, floppy driver's side sun visor. Over the years, I'd indeed reported this to the dealer service people, whensoever the car was serviced. 198 thousand miles, even still, no solution's ever been found to ameliorate my lazy, droopy Gen II driver-side sun visor issue. Great news! Finally, a solution steeped in the tradition of our brave new 21st century world order, taking a page out of our democrat friend's playbook, as of this writing I'm told, this OEM deficiency is officially attributable to, the Russians! It's Russia's fault. Everything here in America, all Russia's fault, though I'm am not necessarily entitled to a Toyota sun visor stimmy, I'm told that indeed I am entitled, to a state and federal Russian Oil Embargo stimmy. I am outraged, I tell you. Outraged! I demand my sun visor stimmy! And, I want it, now! ex-oh ex-oh, - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ///////////////////
Since your pain is so great and your mental stability is so shattered, I would junk the car or at least buy a new visor. And then get a booster of your choice.
Propaganda is not always so easy to detect. Specially when it's our own. Oh the humanity taken a booster for the team