I'm detecting a bit of a "burning brake" smell after I've been braking. It's not constant or heavy breaking. No hills involved. Just normal, around town breaking. I've only driven my car fewer than 100 miles. Is this a normal break-in thing or should I be concerned?
it might not even be the brakes but the exhaust system as there is often a coating sprayed on the underbody and its' very easy to get a bit of over spray on the exhaust. IF it still is doing this at 250 mile take it back to the dealer but it'll probably be gone long before that. If the car is getting normal mileage for your area and if your adventurous you could put your hand down by the brake drum and rotors when you pull over and see if there is anything really hot. DON'T touch the drum or rotor just put your hand near it, if it's hot enough to make a "burnt brake" smell you'll feel the heat. If one is hot take it back to the dealer immeadiatly.
Correct, "new" brakes should not have the burning brake smell. It takes a lot of heat to create that smell. Unless you are really experienced with "burning brakes" you could be smelling something else.
there was an article i posted from the local paper here... about new car smells and legislation being enacted here to require lower levels on different chemicals like ummm...ahhh heck forgot now... one was something like beta GHBD's or something like that. recommend airing out the car real good while driving for at least the first few weeks. the exhaust might be unpleasant but some of the fumes from the inside of the car has given some people dizziness and blurred vision... not a good thing if you are the driver!!
Thanks for the responses. I've only made one short drive since I posted this, and I didn't detect the smell on that drive. I felt for heat on the front discs and they were cool. I'll try again the next time I smell the smell and check the rear drums as well. I hope Frank's right and it's some overspray on the exhaust that will burn off soon. Thanks again.
Well, the smell came and went for about a week. I'm on the eleventh day now and I haven't smelled it for three or four days, so I'm hoping it was some type of overspray as Frank suggested and that all is well at this point. Thanks for calming me down about this.