Better looking pictures at highest zoom level that Sat view. Did they use cameras on large commercial jets to build this immagery? The angle of my house looks like the takeoff / landing zone of our local airport.
Looking at my work parking lot, it appears the the view from the North was taken on a weekday whereas the others were taken on a weekend, two on the same day. It is pretty neat. When viewed on a tablet, the two-finger spin rotates the view.
Yes, because it can zoom in further, and you can change the angle. They don't have street view, but there are people who would consider that a plus. The pushpin is in the right location for my house (which in Google Maps it's a little off but not enough to complain about). In Bing Maps, it has my Mom's house perfectly, and in Google it's half a block off. Also, Bing doesn't have the property boundaries, but again there are people who would consider that a plus.
Well, maybe it is just my area, but I can zoom in about the same amount... and Google Earth has allowed angle change for... ever. I guess I'd be more impressed if Google Earth hadn't been doing this for years and years already.
A few years ago used to have all four different angles available for our house. On Bing our house only has the North and West view available.
I'm not talking about Aerial view (that is no better or worse than Google), nor am I talking about spinning it so, say, Southeast is Up, nor the tilt thing. Click on the tab that says "Bird's Eye View". Zoom in as far as you can. Pretty cool, huh? Now, see that "N" in the circle on the upper right side? See those curvy arrows pointing down on either side of the circle? Click one of those arrows (make sure you're still zoomed all the way in). Pretty cool, huh?
Yeah... see... I figured all that out for myself. Maybe I'm just too numb to high tech these days. What would impress me is if I could see views like this in REAL time. From my bicycle-mounted GPS. Seeing stale images that may be slightly higher rez than we've seen from Google for years just isn't exciting me as much as it should, I guess. I do appreciate making sure that I was looking at the right stuff though! And I do agree that it is better rez and of course better 3-d than Google Earth. I'm just greedy. I want more.
Hmm, I left my side garage door open. Also it seems they have two layers of maps depending on the zoom level. A low to moderate zoom level gets my neighborhood from almost 7 or 8 years ago. The higher zoom levels are much more recent. It's still cool.
So get this. I just compared google maps with google earth with bing. The google earth image is the worst rez. The google maps is about the same rez as Bing... and way more current for my house
Isn't Google Earth also a commercial product with many more features? Maybe that's why they tone down the resolution? Don't really know just speculating.
i use both google and bing because, depending on the area, one can be better than the other. i did notice the other day when i signed up for a solar evaluation, the bing map they used was more up to date than the one on the msn home page.
Resolution is poor for my area. Surprisingly, it has better resolution over the Beaver Islands, although it has many phantom roads there. Tom