First post, first Prius. I never really understood maximizing fuel economy until I started driving my 2010 Prius III a few weeks ago. I'm already obsessed and my girlfriend makes fun of me for it, but whatever. I have a new hobby that actually saves me money! Anyway, here's a Google docs spreadsheet I made tonight after I topped off for the third time: I'm new to the forum and to Google docs, so if something doesn't look right please let me know asap. I didn't allow the spreadsheet to be edited by anyone so people can just copy and paste it if they want to use it. Looking forward to being a part of the Prius community! -Derek
Welcome Derek! Most people that are tracking their FE are probably using or another service. But good job on the spreadsheet.
Derek, Welcome! I know what you mean. I used to drive my Camry like a grandma and complain about gas prices so I traded it in on a new Prius. Now I don't complain nearly as much because I feel I go into ECO mode and save my checking account. (80 miles RT to and from work)
I had no idea that website existed. I'm new to the hypermiling thing. I printed out my spreadsheet and attached it to an envelope (for gas receipts) to keep in my vehicle to track it at the pump so I don't drive away and forget.
I used to drive my Rodeo like a bat out of hell because I thought I was cool. I didn't realize how horrible my mpg stats were at for a long time. At 74 miles RT work commute, the Prius seemed like my only option. Haha I was able to squeeze 50.4 mpg (according to the HID) on the way to work today, which is awesome since it's a 1000 ft increase in elevation on the highway! I don't complain anymore though, unless I get under 45 mpg. I've only had my car a couple weeks and my girlfriend is already sick of hearing me talk about fuel economy and my car. She's planning on getting a Prius in a few months though, so she's going to have to suck it up! Haha
Derek, Welcome to PC. There is a thread here on PC that I started some time ago with a collection of all sorts of spread sheets for mileage. Some use Metric and some Imperial units of measure I think, but feel free to add yours to the list and hoe to see you on or another like it. Happy motoring...