I have been sifting through the threads and posts here and I cannot find what I'm looking for, maybe it's too simple. I have a 2011 Prius trim level 2 I believe, I do NOT have a touch screen of any kind. Although I do miss the vechile data readouts I can live without that, what I really miss is my RDS radio. I do not have hundreds of dollars to spend on super upgraded head units and more on wiring adapters. I am very low key about my upgrades. Does anyone have any idea how I can simplify upgrade my stereo so I can see an RDS read out. Would it be simple enough for me to switch toyota head units with one that has a screen? I would welcome any and all comments and suggestions on how I can get the desired outcome( rds radio)without overkill in other features. Thank you.
The answer is: NO......mostly. But shop around. A better radio might not be as expensive as you think. One from a junk yard might work but that is a big gamble. I suggest that the best thing to do is just learn to live without it. Are you sure that the stations in question really are broadcasting RDS data ??
Crutchfield can sell you an aftermarket RDS-capable receiver brand new with warranty & support for about $75. If you want to get fancy and retain steering wheel controls that would add about $50-75.
Thank you everyone so far for the feedback I will dig deep into the owners manual today to see if I have missed how to activate the RDS, also in regards to Leadfoots reply is there any certain item # or information that you know of, or should I just contact them and tell them what I'm looking for?
RDS is popular but not universal. You can use their product finder to first get a list of all the stereos that fit your car, then narrow it down by units that specifically support RDS. You’re guaranteed to get a few hits south of $100, though there will be other costs beyond the stereo itself for installation accessories and it varies from deck to deck. Their website breaks it out pretty clearly. I would recommend calling or chatting with one of their reps anyway- they are extremely helpful and knowledgeable, as far as technical sales reps go. They’re also fantastic about exchanges if you change your mind. Think about what else you want: CD or no CD? Pandora? aux input? Satellite? …or just a plug for later satellite expansion? Programmable display colors to match the rest of the dashboard? Lots of possibilities. Good luck!
Thank you that is exactly what Im looking for, straight forward mods, that are under $100. I will browse around and see what I can find.
People STILL listen to the radio? I thought radio died.... Too many commercials... PODCASTS! And downloaded music.
ARS, thanks for your comment, I'm a bit old school when it comes to music in my car, I still use my CD player. I also want to say I appreciate how you said it, nice, friendly, joking, that's the Prius Chat demeanor I remember, more recently as I have posted I've noticed more "trolls" and its very disconcerting, so thanks for making me smile.
No problem, and you're welcome! I did use CD's a few times, but I have an iPhone holder in my CD slot. It was much easier, and safer, to use my iPhone than to swopping cd's..... And just too many commercials on the radio, and I didn't like the so called "music" they would play. I think EVERYONE should do it they was THEY want to do it. It does not matter what anyone else thinks. Unless they risk injury to innocent people or are committing a crime... This is AMERICA.