On a flight between Cape Town and London recently I saw the new Simpsons movie. Now I have that damn spider pig song stuck in my head. I was humming it all through my holiday. My holiday took me to Switzerland where some friends told me that the Germans call it an "earworm".
I got my little nephew the Curious George movie for Christmas. Now I have that Jack Johnson song stuck in my head, "Upside Down..."
You didn't say if this was a good thing or not but on the off chance you want to get rid of your "earworm", I read that if you simply sing the whole song out loud all the way through, the song in your head will go away. Of course, the next time you are reminded of it, it will come back. (Flintstones, meet the Flintstones.. . .
Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your (screen)na-aaaaame, and they're always glad you ca-a-a-aame.
After doing a transfer from LP to CD-R, the last part of the fourth movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony - mainly the bass line that goes between two notes like a rock riff for umpteen bars while the orchestra does its rock drummer thing with the theme above it.