Death has visited our home today. It is my tearful duty to let my friends know that my wife Margie's "Norwegian Forrest Cat" Muffin, at the rip age of 19 yrs had to be put down this morning. she was down to 6 pounds or so, and just too weak to go on. For those wondering how she got her name, Muffin, when we first brought her home, we had left a package of muffins out. As the uber curious cat she had became known and loved for, she promptly ate the tops off the muffins. Cats names themselves. I know I shall miss her as much as my pal Madison.This death thing really sucks!
I'm sorry that you are having to go thru this AGAIN. Got a lady that will be 14 next month, so she might join Muffin soon.
It does suck that pets can't live within the same span as people. Condolences for your loss. It does take a little while to get over loss, but getting another of one of the many pets in need of a home is a rewarding experience.
Very sorry. It has not been a good month for you. We lost our beloved Sheltie a few months ago. Got a new boy a Jackwawa at the ASPCA 1 month ago. He's a joy.
A week before I was getting married, my mom got a young American ragdoll kitten as a surprise wedding present for my soon to be wife. Coming home for lunch two days before the wedding, I found this "thing" coated in grease from a pan on the stovetop and curled up in my moms ashtray napping away. The cat was called Mongoloid, or mongo for short. Never was right bright, that one.
I am sincerely sorry for your loss. I lost both of my dogs in 2007. It was a bad year. There is a story called the Rainbow Bridge. It says that all of our pets that have passed are waiting for us there. I know it's just a story but I like it. Google it if you wish. As a volunteer at an animal shelter I know that many great cats and dogs are euthanized because they can't get a home. I got another rescued dog and she is with me now. Maybe when the time is right you can visit a local animal shelter.
Thank you, yes we still have Lucky, the stray I found in a Ford, she is 2 now and is going to need a friend during the day. Over the next couple of weeks the local pet stores have adoption clinics on the weekends. My wife and I are going to find a buddy for Lucky, in the near future. We hope to find one that takes to Lucky, and Lucky likes! To all who have responded to this post, Thank You, losing two cats weeks apart, with a surgery in between, tends to take its toll. All your responses really are a boost for my wife and I! PChatters rock!!