Well, this is going to be an interesting spring. 3 days ago, I went into my local hospital. My neck has been a constant source of problems for years. I had to have a 4th surgery and have this done... Anterior cervical discectomy fusion. Google it, OH OW OUCH!!! So here I sit with my fashion statement of a Cervical Collar. Life here at The Hall of Science, will be taking a much mellower and sedate route for the next 13 weeks. I went in Monday, 4 hours of neck surgery with a very skilled Neurosurgeon, whom I have 2 prior surgeries with. Such skill, in a man, it's truly humbling. While I am trusted with a shief of blueprints and hundreds of thousands of dollars of TV equipment, my partners and I come up with a nice TV Studio, Edit Bay, whatever, it all pales in comparison by what a skilled surgeon can accomplish! So here I sit, watching my new favorite show, Top Gear, as well as whatever Directv can downlink into my home. I have communications to the world, Internet with my pals on Priuschat, and my wife to keep me sane while I wear this ferkockta neck brace 24/7 for the next 13 weeks. Thankfully everything worked out great, 100 % recovery is expected! I can't ask for anything better!!! But DAMN, the bone graft incision REALLY hurts,...THANK GOD for Vicoden!!!
I wanted to say I hope you heal up up fast and that this surgery does the trick but your desk distracted me. It looks like an electronic technician' s dream! lol
I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well and the prognosis is for you to be back to 100%. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Pat!
that was a very funny post, glad you still have your sense of humor! ouch, that does look painful. i hope it is your last and best surgery. praying for a quick recovery for you. keep the faith KK6PD!:cheer2:
Best wishes for a speedy healing. Hope your recovery goes quickly and you can stay busy and not go stir crazy during this down time...
Will you be having physical therapy after the collar comes off, to help with mobility? If so, I can personally recommend discussing the Mackensie method of PT with your surgeon... see if he knows about it - if he does, he may prescribe it for you. Here's to a fast, comfortable recovery! :thumb:
Rae Vynn, thanks for the Mackensie method of PT tip. I Googled it, looks interesting. This is a new Insurance Group I am in, and so far they have really exceded my expectations and their involvement in my situation. I would not be surprised when I have my follow up with my doc next week that subject will come up. When the Neurosurgeon and I looked at my MRI, I pointed to C5, C6 and asked, same thing happening here, can I stop it? He said yes, but I need better posture and I am hoping I can get some help with that. I am not looking forward to a repeat performance of this affair!! I checked out your Hawaii trip, looks like you two had the same barrel of fun that my wife and I did when we visited Maui. Our only hitch happened at the end of two weeks when my wife fell off her bike on the Haleakala downhill bike ride... we were stopped, a gianf killer bee, well that's what she claims. made her fall off a bike that was standing still, and spraining her ankle! Of course I saw NO crutches in any of your shots, so you had just a wee bit more fun!!
So evidently you have been a pain in the neck for a while? You knew these comments were coming! Is it possible you've got room for a couple more electronic gadgets? Best wishes for a full, pain-free recovery.