So I finally got my Prius. Instead of waiting 6 months for an 09 I took a metallic gray, package 3 with leather. I had to take the crappy 'extra mile" and vehicle shield package but I guess it is ok. What a waste of money. Only took me a month, but it helps my neighbor works for the dealership. Anyways I wanted to post and gloat a little. I can't wait for my skid plate to come in, driving dirt roads will make me nervous.
You must be pretty tall because at 6'3" I have no problem wearing my Resistol straw in the Prius. Getting in and out without bumping it is a bit of a trick though.
Congratulations and thank you for buying a Toyota Prius(R). One of the features you might find handy in your new Toyota Prius(R) is the solid steel roof. You will find that under most driving conditions this carefully crafted solid steel roof will protect the top of your head from the harshest environment through which you might find yourself travelling. You will also find that a handy stowage place has been included in your Toyota Prius(R) where you might stow your hat. This place is also fully compliant with the requirement that the hat be stowed in a location that will alert those other motorists around you that you are a hat wearer and it is best not to get too close and remain alert at all times. The correct location for your hat is on the retractable roller blind above the cargo area. You will note that a special low window has been included in the rear hatch device of your Toyota Prius(R) which will allow following motorists to see you are indeed a hat wearer and to take appropriate precautions.
I'm 6'2" and have plenty of headroom, can't remember if I've tried my hat in there... but don't need to wear it in the car. On the other hand, every Camry my parents had, and maybe their current Avalon, I sit there with my head tilted, the roof needs to be at least 2 inches higher. I could never own a car like that.