Tonight we purchased a Dyson vacuum cleaner and I am in love. I haven't felt this way since I got my Prius. It's just so cool and it really works, too. I highly recommend this vacuum. Chores can be fun with a Dyson. :lol: I sound like a commercial.
I'm saving up for a Dyson. Costco sells them on the cheap, but not cheap enough yet. Ever try a Roomba? Great for garages, hardwood floors, homes with hardwoods and pets....
My mother-in-law calls them the "lazy man's vaccuum cleaner." I'm beginning to think she doesn't like me...
I've got: hardwood & carpet a husky who sheds enough hair to weave at minimum five new dogs a year. a roomba a Dyson Animal The Roomba flips over like a dead turtle with it's little wheels in the air begging for mercy when it runs over all that dog hair. My Dyson on the other hand, eats the dog hair for lunch, flips it blithely out the bottom of the collecting cannister when it's packed in so tight I can't fit in any more hair, sucks up any remainders as if it were a breeze. THEN cleans the little pebbles from the carpet of my 2005 Seaside's carpets. NO DOUBT - Get the Dyson - it is indeed a champ! Oh, and for those 'saving up' try my tip. We've got a Bed, Bath & Beyond in town. They routinely mail out 20% off coupons. I stopped in the store and said I wanted the Dyson but had left my coupon at home (true). The manager whipped out a coupon from behind the counter and handed it to me... PRESTO almost $100 off the Dyson, instantly. You'll never look back. I will never again drive a conventional car, nor push a conventional vaccuum cleaner. For what it's worth, the Dyson has also replaced my dustmop, broom and dustpan on the hardwood. It's got a 'smooth floor' setting that works wonders, and that super extendable handle with built in hose and onboard attachments is a dream to use. VERY well thought out package and phenomenal technology. Terry
Would you weave me a small husky and send it? Put enough food and water in the envelope for three days.
Wow, you're lucky. I used the coupon back when they first started mailing it out, but since the coupons explicitly have a long list of products you can't use it on including Dyson.
The Roomba is cute, however I think my cats might try to sit on it and ride it around. Ah well... one day they'll go off to college and leave my husband and I to get a cute little Roomba. For now, however, my Dyson is awesome! It's sucked up quite a bit of cat hair thus far!
If I was going to get another canister vacuum, I'd consider a dyson. But we have a central vacuum system which can't be beat. It makes life so much easier, just dragging around a light hose (in comparison to an entire vacuum). We have one (basic model) and have not had good luck. We are on our third one (returned the first two). Love it when it runs, but something always seems to go wrong with the beater bar as an internal clutch starts to slip and it makes a terrible noise. I have verified that nothing is blocking the mechanism. Mr. Dyson invented an impressive bagless vacuum technology, but it appears that he (or his company) does not yet have the design experience to build the rest of the vacuum to work properly. Also, don't buy your Dyson at Target as they cop a major attitude when you try to return things.
Roomba is a junk toy, it barely has any suction. The Dyson is a great product. Have had mine for about a year and is the best Vacuum we have ever owned. I bought mine at Linens-N-Things using one of their take 20% off any item coupons. I think since then they don't let you use it on Dyson products. Mine was top of the line at the time, called the Animal and the coupon took about $100 off the price.
I wouldn't dismiss the Roomba as a junk toy as easily as you. It has well deserved niche in my house in the kitchen and in the garage for over 2 1/2 years. Kitchen gets vaccuumed daily by it, kid crumbs and small dog hair. Use a larger vaccuum on a more infrequent basis. It's not designed or sold to be the main vaccuum in the house.
I use roomba on hardwood floors and it works great. I have the latest model Discovery II. Would not use it on carpeted floors though
OK, maybe on hardwood or other hard surfaces, but on carpet it stinks. I tried it and returned it as I could see much dirt it would not pickup on carpet. The Dyson is great, especially on dog hair from my two Siberian Huskies.
The Dyson comes with a manual on how to clean and maintain all of its parts. Hopefully by doing so, we won't have any problems with it. So far, it's working like no other vacuum we've ever tried. It's picking up dust and hair and anything else we throw its way.
I love my Dyson. With two Great Pyrenees, and their propensity to bring in mass quantities of the back yard in with them, mine gets used as heavily as any shop vac would. I've had no problems whatsoever with mine, and like several others, won't ever by a "regular" vacuum again. I bought mine cheap on Ebay. Mine was missing all but one attachment. I have found out however, that the attachments on the dirt devil vacuum it replaced, fit the Dyson just fine. After my folks saw how well my Dyson worked, they bought one for themselves, and are also extremely satisfied with it. They actually argue with each other over who is going to vacuum the floors.
i was totally surprised when i visited my parents a few months back that my mom has a dyson! she has had every expensive vacuum ever built.!! she told me that she bought this dyson at sears over 2 yrs ago & she has since thrown away the others.......i'm saving up for one!! & now that i hear it goes well over hardwood..i'm impressed.......what about tile?? i never knew that bed, bath, & beyond had a list of things where u cant use the coupon!?? that sux! :angry:
ha! i bought one last year, best vacuum i've ever used. great on the carpets we used to have, and (luckily!) great on the laminate we replaced them with. i used to go through a sams club special every season or two - this dyson shows no sign of dying after ~18 months
I bought my dyson because of my house being predominantly hard floors. My kitchen is tile, with deep grout grooves between them. It has beat anything that I've tried to use on this floor, including my wet/dry hard floor vacuum. The Dyson is the best thing since the old Kirby Vacuums, back when they were THE vacuum to own.