Today's transportation discussion on had to do with whether hybrids should continue to be allowed to use HOV lanes without passengers.
Not a single post there recognized the real reason California allows hybrids in carpool lanes: as mitigation for failing to meet federal smog standards. It's not to ease congestion or reduce gas consumption. It is simply mitigation so we can continue to receive federal funding for highway projects and other federal programs related to roads. The selection of high-mpg cars was to limit the number of cars, and to recognize that higher-mpg cars inherently emit fewer greenhouse gasses. I won't speak for other states, but for Cali the posts have no relevance whatsover.
I don't think Toyota emphasis enough how much less pollution this car puts out compared to other cars (doesn't matter if hybrid or not)
I guess that it is a volume thing vrs a pollution thing. If your goal is to reduce the volume of cars then get the hybrids out. Maybe in Seattle that is a good idea, that and a transportation plan, any plan. If your goal is to reduce pollution then there is an argument. I pollute a lot less with my butt in my Prius than a Excursion or Suburban with two people in it or for that matter a full sized bus with 4 or 5 people in it as I often see.