OK guys, I need your help on this one!! Hybrids are doing great here at Toyota and in Chicago. I want to help educate potential buyers on hybrid vehicles (Prius, Camry & Highlander). I need your input on my latest idea... I am planning on coordinating a "Hybrid Head-to-Head Day" in conjunction with other Chicagoland dealers that offer hybrids. Toyota, Lexus, Ford & Honda. I wanted to have 1 or 2 "expert salespeople" from the respected brands and dealers demonstrate their cars and offer test drives on a closed course. Also this will present a worry-free, hassle-free & pressure-free experience for people to get behind the wheels of some of todays hybrid cars. Obviously, I am going to make sure the Toyota products are in the limelight because that is what I believe in and trust. I still would like to offer the other manufacturers because if it is a hybrid, it is helping, right? I am asking for some input behind the idea and what you guys think! If you have any suggestions that I should impose on the event, by all means, let me know! Thanks for the help in advance!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gtn12130 @ Apr 19 2006, 08:41 PM) [snapback]242409[/snapback]</div> Get some owners out there too, not just sales creatures...some 'real people' that can talk about their personal experiences with the various cars and that can express the various emotions and pluses and minuses. Folks that have already gone through the decision making process and decided on one vehicle over another and what swayed their decisions. Have them bring their personal vehicles, mods and all, to show off. Make the drives/course long enough that people can get a feel for how to manipulate the hybrid system and get a taste for what kind of gas mileage it gets on a specific kind of route/terrain. Have some vehicles that are 'stripped down' to show the various parts, where the battery is, where the inverter is, etc...ala Hobbit's "naked Prius". Have some comparison charts for fuel usage, emissions, etc. Have some handouts to web sites such as PriusChat, PriusOnline, GreenHybrid, HiHyChat, etc. Do not have anyone out there that is a bull-shitter!!! People HATE being lied to or finding out someone made up an answer. Either have a certified tech out there to answer questions of a more technical nature or be absolutely sure the 'experts' really know their stuff. And if anyone gets a question they don't know the answer to you should either have a computer available to look up the answer and find out then and there or take that person's name and explain that you don't know the answer and don't want to give any false info and will get back to them with the accurate information as soon as you can look it up. There's probably a lot more, but nothing's coming to me off the top of my head.
What is your goal? "Come look at the cars that you can't go buy anytime in the next 5 months."? Chicagoland is pretty much a self serving self centered short attention span wealthy suburban crowd. I'm not sure they'll leave your demo with a good impression of hybrid once they see how great the cars are, but then find out from these dealers you bring that the cars are a 4 to 8 month wait. I guess I'm not sure what you are hoping to do with your event.. maybe you can speak to that... To me, if we had 40,000 hybrids on the lots around here, what you are suggesting would be great for our commuters, tollways and environment. I'm pretty sure the masses in Chicagoland are not ready to "get in line" for a new car. They'll just go buy a new tahoe tomorrow and pay cash.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Apr 19 2006, 10:42 PM) [snapback]242448[/snapback]</div> Evan, That is a great idea. I learned a lot about Hybrids since I bought the Prius, but trying to look at it from the point of view of someone who doesn't know that much about them (people are still asking me if it needs to be plugged in), I think showing them the guts of the vehicle is very smart. I would also make sure the sales people are ready with info to counter the inaccurate info out there. People still tell me they are under the impression the hybrid will not save me any money over the long haul, especially considering the 3-5k I will need to shell out for a new battery in 3 years. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Apr 20 2006, 05:49 AM) [snapback]242552[/snapback]</div> What a rude and unhelpful comment. People from all walks of life are interested in hybrids, for a variety of reasons. It would be (and is) wrong for you to paint all of them with one broad brush.
Oh me me. Pick Me!! Oh oh oh oh oh. Me ME!! Well thank you very much for stereotyping and sumarilly catagorizing me. I truly appreciate the sentiment and can't wait to see how you totally didn't mean any disrespect to existing board members from Chicago. You're probably right. The question is "why." It's exactly BECAUSE there aren't many hybrids on the road that people don't think of them as options. It's BECAUSE there are hundreds of thousands of SUVs "off-roading" on Lake Shore Drive that people feel they need to have one. It's exactly BECAUSE more than 7.5 million Chicagoland drivers have never driven a Prius that they don't put it on their list of cars to check out. And it's BECAUSE people's only exposure to hybrids is all the misinformation and misleading "reporting" bouncing around on the various evening news programs. Waiting list be damned! If you need a car today - this afternoon! - the Prius is not your car. But next year, when you're thinking about rototaing out your existing commuter car, consider a hybrid. And just because you can picture in your mind that there are only brand-new, shiny, leather-clad, pimped-out SUVs rolling the streets of Chicagoland don't make it true. gtn12130, Make sure you post this idea on the Chicagoland forum. I know there are members here who would love the opportunity to educate and demonstrate. Say the word and we are there!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gtn12130 @ Apr 19 2006, 09:41 PM) [snapback]242409[/snapback]</div> Wait wait....you sell cars? Like, for a dealership? Here's a question: When's the last time you lied to someone to get their money? Sorry, but when stealerships come to me asking for help on selling cars, the last thing I want to do is help them get other people's money. Good try, though.
"... have some vehicles that are 'stripped down' ..." . and/or point 'em at the webpage about it. . With a little more work, one could achieve a car *much* farther apart than that -- for instance, pulling off that big plastic schnoz bumper on the front would reveal much, like the coolant storage bottle, the aluminum sub-bumper and how it connects to the frame and has the airbag sensors right there, etc. The whole dash-top panel could be floated out a little ways to reveal all the nifty stuff up near the firewall. Some of this would render the car mostly undrivable for the day, which was one of my major considerations since I had to get the thing to the show and back, but if this is being done at a dealership they should be able to get it very naked in short order. . What would *really* rock is having a moveable cutaway transmission like in the pictures... somebody really should take a wrecker and turn its HSD into a demo piece one of these days. . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Boxster...WRX...Prius? @ Apr 20 2006, 10:01 AM) [snapback]242586[/snapback]</div> Sometimes I can't believe the negative comments on this board. I guess anyone selling anything is "trying to get other people's money". Hey- don't direct anyone to Priuschat because there is a link to support the website and another to order an extended warranty and you don't want to help them "get other people's money" This person posted a message asking for help in selling a car that almost everyone who belongs to this community believes in. Why assume the worst? One of the criticisms I have of Toyota is that their dealers know far too little about the Prius and about Hybrid technology. If someone is trying to learn about how to remedy that, or even how to better sell the car, what's wrong with helping? As I said in my response to the ridiculous comment about Chicagoland, don't paint any group with such a broad brush. Are their dealers that will lie? Yes. There are good and bad people in every profession. Ascribing a set personality trait to any one profession is wrong. Except doctors. Them I don't like. Just kidding Evan.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Boxster...WRX...Prius? @ Apr 20 2006, 09:01 AM) [snapback]242586[/snapback]</div> This gentleman followed every proper procedure to become a site sponsor. Has placed several paid ads on the site, has offered help on the site previoiusly, has kept his sales updated on the site. He now wants to have a program to allow the public to see all the available hybrids head-to-head as a project on his own time. Wouldn't you have loved to have participated in an activity like this before getting your Prius? And wouldn't you even consider going to such an event even now just to have the opportunity to test drive these various other hybrids in a setting where you're not going to have a dealer breathing down your neck and pressing you for a purchase the whole time? I think your comment was abrupt and just as stereotypical as the Chicago comment, and I think it's unfair. I, too, am highly skeptical of dealers with good reason, but everyone gets a fair chance and this gentleman has, thus far, shown himself to be straightforward, honest, fair and dedicated to hybrids.
WOW...where to start? First of all I appreciate all the positive response and suggestions! They are all great and I will implicate as many as possible. The more ideas, the better. You guys have been a big help so far! For all of those "negative" comments, I don't know what to say. I love my job and especially hybrids! Yes, it is unfortunate that I have the title of "Car Salesman", but so be it. Trust me, I am skeptical of the car salespeople also! I work in a very competitive dealership and I know how it can be. I am one of those guys who is trying to NOT have the negative vibe attached with my name. Take it for what it is, but I have several clients that I have dealt with from Priuschat and it has been nothing short of GREAT! Ask them. And the Chicagoland comment...in the words of Harey Carey "HOLY COW"!!!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gtn12130 @ Apr 20 2006, 11:41 AM) [snapback]242639[/snapback]</div> Hey, I have no problem with sales reps -- until they give me reason. My hunch is that I'd rather be dealing with you than with the one I am. :angry: I'd just like to second (or third, or whatever) the idea of getting owners to be there. I know I never pass up a chance to talk up my Prius -- to the extent that I've offered to drive 200 miles to demonstrate my Prius for a friend's high school class. Peace--
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gtn12130 @ Apr 20 2006, 01:41 PM) [snapback]242639[/snapback]</div> I think it is a great idea as well. I wish a dealer around my neck of the woods did something like this. To add on to some of the other ideas: A FAQ sheet that people can take with them if they forget to ask a question until after it is over and have something to refer to at a later date. A printout (like the Knowledge Base Article) about how tips on how to maximize mileage (helpful to even those that don't want to go hybrid) and will helpful even more if they do.
Hey T.J.- I also concur that a Chicagoland Meetup and hybrid comparison is a great idea. Many folks have been exploited by car dealers, so to not trust them makes sense. I have had several encounters with you and certainly can vouch for your integrity (unfortunately, not a stereotypical trait of a car salesman), but you should not be standing on trial here as a salesperson, rep from a dealership, etc. This is about educating consumers on the Prius. Whatever Prius you show is what any Toyota dealership would show. I think having a Hybrid Showdown is a great idea, and you will certainly find Prius owners as being some of the sharpest consumers out there. I think we would all learn alot, even if we come into such a meeting knowing alot. But most importantly, I understand there will be FOOD!! Isn't that the Great Uniter? -S
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Apr 20 2006, 09:27 AM) [snapback]242576[/snapback]</div> I'd been looking at the Prius for a couple of years now, reading up on it and other hybrids, but really had no intention of buying a car in the near future - I had less than 50,000 miles on my old car, and everyone said the hybrids were in short supply with long waiting lists. A little over 3 weeks ago, my car was totalled and I NEEDED a new car this afternoon! I looked at some Toyota dealers online, many of whom said they had Prius's in stock, and I decided to at least go look at the Scions and Corollas. I test-drove a used Prius, tho, and fell in love. I didn't like the salesman and went to another dealer down the road. He had a Prius coming in next week in a color and package acceptable to me, so I put down my deposit for a little over MSRP. In the meantime, another dealer got in touch with me and had stock - we negotiated a price below MSRP for a Barcelona Red one - hurrah! hurrah! - but then he called me back and sait it was a mistake - the car had alread been sold <sigh>. So I went to another dealer that night and drove home in a White 2006 Prius for less than MSRP (and the next morning, the dealer that had the mythical 'red' one called to say it WAS available, and the "coming in next week" car arrived at the other dealer). After all I'd heard, I was surprised that I could get a Prius less than a week after my other car was totalled - but I'm glad I didn't have to wait. If I'd had to wait, I wouldn't have gotten a Prius. Nor would I have gotten a Civic Hybrid - I couldn't even find one to test drive! IF there was an event like thie 'head to head' proposed event, I would have gone, leaving more convinced than ever that my next car would be a Prius. If there were still witing lists, I would have joined the list, assuming I had a car that worked as a form of transportation (instead of a modern sculpture). I live 50 miles away from New York City and lucked into 3 available 2006 Prius's with acceptable packages whthin 30 miles of my home, barely scraping the surface of the 'local' Toyota dealers I found through the Toyota web site. Chicagoland is an equally huge geographic area - I wouldn't be surprised if someone there needed a Prius 'this afternoon' that they'd have any more difficulty than I did unlee they were adamant about getting a high-end or low-end package (I was willing to take anything from a 3 to a 6, and found 7's and 8's available, too).
Jeanie, that was one bumpy ride from totaled car to Prius but it sounds like it has a happy ending. Though I'm sorry to hear abuot your car being totalled; that's never fun and I hope you're ok. I really hope that your story becomes more common in which people acquire a new Prius in a week or so. Personally, two years ago, I waited 7.5 months for mine.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ May 3 2006, 08:59 AM) [snapback]249023[/snapback]</div> I'm extremely lucky, I guess. I got 't-boned' in my convertible, went flying through the air backwards, went down an embankment and hit a tree that stopped me from sliding into the river. When I landed, my head went to the side with a 'thunk' against the window - it's 3 weeks later and I still have a small bump where I this my head, and some traces of bruise marks on my face. If the car had hit me 3 or 4 feet close to the front of my car, I would have been dead, no question about it. But I guess it's not my time yet - I didn't even see my life flash before my very eyes, I just noticed things like "my brakes are doing absolutely no good - oh, my tires are not touching the pavement - no wonder the brakes don't help!" and, after I landed and hit my head, I watched the left side of my forehead swell up enormously - didn't even think to turn off the ignition. I felt like the whale in 'HitchHiker's Guide". So, no real damage to my body, my checkbook started whining about being on 'empty', and I got a Super White 2006 with package 5, so I now have side air bags <g>. I'm very, very happy! I certainly hope it becomes more common to be able to buy a Prius so quickly. Some people at work are actually thinking about it given the availability of the US tax credit.
First of all, I would get rid of any connotations that this would be some kind of competition between hybrids - “a Hybrid Head-to-Head Day" – where the different manufacturers will tell you why you should buy their hybrid and not some other lesser hybrid from that other manufacturer. This should be a total “Non-Sales Event.†I would advertise it as a “Hybrid Information Fair†where you can come obtain information about all the different models of hybrids currently on the market, regardless of manufacturer. LOOK, FEEL, LEARN, DRIVE. If this were a “Sales Event†I personally would avoid it like the plague for fear of being cornered by some high pressured sales critters. (No offense intended ). Advertising: Being that this would not be a “Sales Event,†the local media outlets would be more willing to cover it as a news story – one which would nicely segue from current high-gas-price news stories. Alert the media! Does Illinois also have a state EPA like California with our Cal-EPA? See if they would be interested in co-sponsoring or having an informational booth. That would lend credence to the event, and make it more likely the media would play along. Good luck.
Do you have the blessing of your dealership to do this event? Where, on your dealership's property? For the Prius, it'd be good to have some printed info to pass out, OTHER than manufacturers' slick sales stuff. john 1701a has good downloadable flyers you can print---have you been to his site? I'd also check online sites for the other hybrids to see if any enthusiasts have assembled similar info. (You'd probably have to sign up with each group and post what you're looking for.) It's a good idea. I'd pitch it as a "The Truth About Hybrids" event, and, if you feel you have to use the "Head-To-Head" line, use it farther down in your copy. And with the media outlets (especially TV) you have in Chicago, I'd definitely pursue coverage---from the Trib and WGN!
Definitely a great idea. I would suggest that you may also want to consider having a few of the non-abrasive environmental groups with booths and turn this into some sort of green expo with the focus being on cars. These groups could possibly present the people there with scientific information on global warming, peak oil, etc... that will hopefully help your participants understand that buying a hybrid is more than just about saving a few bucks at the pump. Thanks. MIke
When I was growing up there were several plastic model engines that could be assembled that actually had the moving parts. The first was, of course, the V-8, but then there was the Wankel Rotary, and finally the turbine engine. An interesting addition to this would be an HSD drivetrain...