Hybrid Assistant App - 2021 Prius Prime

Discussion in 'Prime Accessories and Modifications' started by BBurd, Dec 26, 2024.

  1. BBurd

    BBurd New Member

    Dec 23, 2024
    2021 Prius Prime
    First, my apologies if this is answered elsewhere. I can assure you I did a search on this site as well as others including the Hybrid Assistant page. I see a lot of write-ups on OBD2 compatibility, but none that address the 2021 or later models.

    I see that their website says the app works with Prius Primes "pre-2021"

    That being said it also looks like the chart has not been updated in a while and I cannot find an email address for them so maybe it was just updated a while back?

    Has anyone had any luck with the app on a 2021 Prime? I'm willing to get whatever OBD2 module is needed. It seems like the MX+ is the most compatible option (but also $50 more than the next cheapest), but I also see that the LX has the "same functionality".

    Any advice would be appreciated and if someone points me in the right direction to a previous thread I'll happily delete this one.
  2. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    If you are talking about ODBLink MX+
    it comes with it's own app that's pretty comprehensive (so I've read ) .
    Hate to say it but you have the line of dependency kinda mixed up.
    If Hybrid Assistant says they support < = 2021 there isn't any adapter that is going to change that.
    HA will still work in 2022 Prius- more than likely - it just might not have all the sensor pids right for the newer models. But all apps are like that. Some pids just don't work the way we all wish they would in each of our own cars.

    Meaning most functions of the app should work out of the box, but no guarantee they all will be "as the dev intended" with unsupported models. Again, this can also happen within the supported models of any app and is common if one looks close enough.

    There's lots of reasons why an app gets updates and lots of reasons they don't get updates.
    Public expectations about updates need to be tempered with a bit of understanding of what a small teams resources are As compared to a larger team with more devs and more hardware to confirm compatibility.
    BBurd likes this.
  3. BBurd

    BBurd New Member

    Dec 23, 2024
    2021 Prius Prime
    Thank you for the response. I'm coming from some old 'dumb' cars and am a bit of a data nerd. While I don't want to tweak values, I really appreciate seeing specific data and how the car is being used to maximize efficency. That's what led me to the Hybrid Assistant app, but then I was confused in that a 2020 and 2021 PP are the same generation, with few discernable differences and was hoping that hardware had outpaced the website.

    I'm excited to be part of a community that has a passion for these vehicles. I have an old Toyota FJ40 which has a similar community and really missed that with my last daily driver. The fact that there are small groups who develop or modify is incredibly appreciated.

    I'll probably try the mid-tier OBDLink model and report with updates on another thread that has good reviews of the devices on how it works specifically to the 2021 model.
  4. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I use DrPrius, Hybrid Assistant and CarScanner. Obviously, (I'd hope anyways ), not at the same time. For me, learning how to read the cars gauges is important too. And Gen 4 Prii got gauges and so many different ways to drive the cars.
    Some reads are easy and almost universal across all Prii models, others are extremely complex with many variables that confuse ( most / all ) of us, when a features behavior in one model isn't consistent with earlier and / or non plugin models. Plus when you've got a plug it can be hard to remember how the car without a plug works in corner cases after a couple of years.