Well no, not really. But a cute Public Service Announcement from the AOPA's Air Safety Foundation with an interesting take on what a hybrid airplane means. AOPA Online: ASF Pilot Safety Announcement (PSA)
If you want to be serious about it... Aircraft engines don't strike me as a good fit for Hybrid power. Most car engines run only briefly at full power, and after that are using only a small amount of their power to maintain speed, so there is a lot of efficiency gain by sizing the engine to support the small amount of power typically needed, and using battery power to support the acceleration occasionally needed. Generally aircraft engines run at 100% power on takeoff and climbout, and then may scale back to 65-75% power for level cruise. A lot less efficiency can be gained there, so I'm not sure Hybrid's the answer.
Nasa has been flying Hybrid aircraft for a few years, but they just use solar and bat power only... They can fly using solar and at night switch to all bat pwr... I wonder if any Prius owners have ever used thin film solar panels on the roof?? We have almost year round sunshine here in sunny sothern california... They are now developing almost paper thin solar panels that are cost effective and generate lots of aux power... Every watt of power generated would help a little... Justa thought... Check out this aticle on the Nasa hybrid aircraft... Solar powered aircrafts