Today when I left work the HVAC was off from my trip to work. I pressed the auto button and maybe slipped and hit the recirc button at the same time. All the LCD segments came on and started flashing. Then it read 00 degrees. I had to turn the car off and back on to make it work. I could not reproduce it again by hitting two buttons at the same time. What was going on? Was it a self test mode? It was 90 degrees out today, which is pretty hot, even for here.
AUTO + RECIRC together (usually right when you are powering the car on) is exactly the combo to get the HVAC diags.
But the car was already on for a few seconds before I tried to activate the HVAC. And I couldn't reproduce it but just tapping the buttons. iPhone ?
Just went out and tried it on mine. Seems to work if the two buttons are pressed any time within five seconds or so after powering the car on.
I see. I will try it tomorrow as my car is outside rather than in the garage. Good to know though. Thanks! Does it exit the mode on its own? iPhone ?