Hello- I am looking for some help/guidance as to my troubleshooting approach with my GEN 2 Prius (2007). I purchased the car ~ 1.5 years ago with a blown ICE which I replaced in the car has been good up until recently. I expected to encounter issues with an HV batteries due to mileage (157xxx) and age. I’ve noticed at times while breaking it feels as if I lose my brakes for about 1 second and they reengage... I will have access to a height around scan tool for another week or so (Zurich Pro) currently I have the following codes B1271 combination meter ECU communication stop c1310 HV system malfunction c1319 changeover solenoid (SCSS) p3000 battery control system P0a80 replace hybrid battery pack When I first purchased the car the red triangle was displayed with a P0A80 code but once the ICE was replaced the code cleared it self after the generator kicked in and approximately 25 miles of driving. Ideally I would like to identify the potentially week sales and replace them but from reading it appears I will need a significant amount of pricey equipment to accomplish that task. Hoping to gain some insight as to the best approach considering time involving labor and of course money. Thanks in advance
Looking at your voltages (and it's impossible to get the full story just by voltages) it appears they were under a charge condition when you got those readings. Unfortunately, a charge condition can hide the weak modules. A weak module(s) will normally be more obvious after the battery has been unused for about 24 hours. It gives the bad ones time to settle out. that being said....often the weakest module will be the 'highest' voltage under charge condition and the 'lowest' module under discharge condition. Why?, you ask? Think of a weak module as being a lawn mower battery and a good module being the biggest 12v battery made. Now put a 50 amp discharge on it. Which one's going to drop voltage the fastest? Now put a 50 amp charge on it. Which one is going to be fully charged the quickest? It will always be the smallest capacity battery that has the widest voltage swings. You can also get an app called Hybrid Assistant/Hybrid reporter. It will let you test the HV battery using the AC system. It can graph all 14 blocks so you can compare their voltage curves on one chart. If all 14 blocks were perfect, the 14 graph lines would overlap on top of each other and look like one line. In the real world, a weak block will stand out very clearly.