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HUMU hit and run

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Bob Allen, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Hi: Sad news. Nightmare scenario for any of us. We heard a whomp noise outside our window about 1 am, but nothing looked amiss. The shrubbery hid HUMU from view, however, so when I walked out of the house at 7 am, I saw my beloved Prius up on the sidewalk with some serious rear/side damage. All four wheels were damaged by the side impact.
    The police came in relatively record time and did their Crime Scene Investigation which involved picking up shards from the other car and putting them in plastic bags. They took a sample of paint left by the other car ( a red something). The police were very nice, but admitted that the chances of ever finding out who did it, without witnessess, is pretty slim.
    My insurance covers virtually all of this. I hope that HUMU isn't a total because I don't look forward to trying to get another one in any easy time frame.
    I'll post pics when and if I can get copies from the body shop, although they probably wouldn't be of much interest..
    As with breaking and entering, a hit and run leaves you with a slimy feeling of having dealt with yet another irresponsible low life.
    The body shop I go to is top notch, so perhaps HUMU will rise again.
  2. PaPrius

    PaPrius Member

    Mar 9, 2005
    Bummer. Here's hoping that the cops get lucky in this instance, and catch the scum that did this, and that either your car can be totally repaired or that you end up with a fine replacement Prius.

    I'd be devastated if this happened to my Prius.
  3. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Bob -- so sorry to hear about this. What an awful thing to wake up to.

    HUMU was the first Prius I ever rode in, at the PriusChat get-together over a year ago. You did such a great job making it a comfortable, friendly car -- it really does have a personality. That, as much as anything, clinched my decision to start the 8-month wait for a Prius of my own.

    I know how something like this takes your whole week down. However, am very glad to know insurance will cover things.

    And :guns: to whoever did this. Anyone with that lack of responsibility doesn't deserve the privilege of driving.
  4. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US
    It's hard to hide that much front end (I'm assuming front) damage on the offending car, so it may turn up soon.

    Much less paperwork when no one is in the car. Glad to hear you and yours are well.

    So, if the body shop is so good...what color is Humu going to be when repaired? You could be the first Prius owner with Flint Mica! (This suggestion is of the "make lemonade" variety.)
  5. oly_57mpg

    oly_57mpg New Member

    May 2, 2005
    Olympia, Portland, Seattle...
    2005 Prius
    Yet another reason to have a motion activated camera aimed at your car when you are asleep/away.
  6. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Be comforted in the knowledge that HUMU was loved and led a good and pampered life, and that we can all breath easier because of his/her existence.

    If HUMU passes, carry that love forward to your new bundle of joy . . . which hopefully won’t have the gestation period of a human! :eek:

    You are living the nightmare I had soon after delivery of our Salsa baby!

    As a customer care policy, I feel Toyota Corporate should initiate a program where owners of high demand cars can get a replacement as soon as possible should their car be stolen or totaled - with insurance payoff as proof. If I were next on the wait list, I would be more that happy to let that poor soul cut in line - knowing that in the future I may find myself in the same situation and very thankful the program existed.
  7. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    Hopefully the police will pulse bodyshops in the area, and notify of models that use that color (they should be able to identify the make if not the model from the chips). If the perp has his car fixed at a shop, maybe they can nab him.
  8. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Re: HUMU hit and run update

    Hi everyone: Thanks for your support. I especially liked the comment suggesting that Toyota institute some kind of "replacement" policy that would give an owner priority in line should her/his Prius be totalled.
    I was just about to call my favorite dealer in Moses Lake and explore the options for replacing HUMU when the phone rang. It was the body shop. Their estimate to repair HUMU was 5700 bucks. I thought it would be twice that (remember, I fly airplanes and am used to ridiculously high prices for everything). I said that I guessed HUMU was not a total, and the guy said it wasn't even close. Pretty sturdy cars.
    It will take 8-10 days to get HUMU fixed.
    For all of your information: The claims adjuster from State Farm called me about an hour after I returned home from the body shop to check in with me. She read to me something from a State Farm policy paper on what they expect of the body shops who do work for them. State Farm guarantees tht the car will be restored to its pre-accident value. If I should discover otherwise, or have reason to believe this is not the case, it's my right to file a claim for the difference. State Farm is pretty strict about who they will contract for repair work. When I was dinged in the hood by a stone thrown up by a passing truck, I took HUMU to this same body shop. A few days after I got the car back, State Farm sent a guy out to check it out and make sure the job was done to State Farm specs. He was impressed. He then told me that this same body shop consistently rates number 1 on their Seattle area repair facilities, mostly because they are impeccibly honest and thorough; not just cosmetic repair, but a complete repair including elements you couldn't see unless you took the car apart. State Farm (and I imagine other companies) allows you to bring your car directly to one of their designated repair facilities without having to have an estimate done by a State Farm rep. They monitor work done by these shops.
    If any of you are looking to switch insurance companies, I can't recommend State Farm highly enough. I have been insured by them since I was 16 and they have been prompt, fair and thorough.
    Thanks again everyone. And, Jeff, thanks for the comment about HUMU and your first ride in a Prius. I remember that meeting at Alki and the excitement of owning such a remarkable car.
  9. Dan Gross

    Dan Gross New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Western New York
    Glad to hear the prognosis on HUMU and I'll add to the praise for State Farm as a highly satisfied customer.

    Hope the cops manage to catch the jerk responsible.
  10. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Sorry to hear about your trouble, two weeks ago mine got hit on monday and the wife's got hit on friday. Both now fixed and l fully trust the shop that did it. Toyota body shop and do great work. HUMU will rise again!
  11. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sorry to hear that Bob. The same happened to our Camry a few months ago. A drunk driver slammed into our Camry 3 or 4 times (according to witnesses) at around 12-1am while attempting a three point turn. The driver was eventually caught but that bast**d found out and "claimed" he knew the accident to reduce his liability and damage to his insurance. (i.e. so that the claim would be a regular accident as opposed to hit & run which would affect his insurance even more). Kinda sad we couldn't prosecute him as DWI too.

    Anyway, hope HUMU comes home soon and back to perfect condition. Ask your neighbours, somebody must've heard that bang too if you heard it.
  12. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Up on the sidewalk with rear-side damage, and all four wheels damaged? If all 4 wheels were damaged, I would suspect unibody frame damage. After all, how could the front tires be damaged if it was hit on the rear/side unless the tires were twisted from the car's motion and being restricted from motion by the curb?

    I am impressed with the police doing so much farensics so they have something to prove if there are any leads.
    See if the police do canvas local body shops. If they don't, you might want to hand out flyers to them regarding your search for the perp.

    I always found State Farm to be ridiculously high, but I guess they justify it by taking extra care of their client.
  13. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Sad to hear about HUMU, Bob, but glad to hear that everything is going to work out all right. HUMU was only the 2nd Prius I had ever seen in my life when I saw it at the Seattle dinner.

    Be sure to keep us all updated - I wish I had had the same experiences with State Farm, but they were actually totally opposite. I'm still fighting with them about my wreck last April.
  14. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    GLAD to hear the updated news about HUMU, Bob!

    I appreciate the update, and the information -- it's very helpful in case we find ourselves in a similar situation. :( Please let us know how the repair job went, and whether there are any problems down the line.

    I also had another HUMU memory -- I know I spotted you and HUMU at least twice while driving around Seattle in March April of last year. Back then, there were so few Priuses in Seattle, a Blue Prius stood out -- and HUMU's unique style made me think, "Hey, that's Bob's car!"
  15. ymmv

    ymmv New Member

    May 19, 2005
    Here's a few ideas to consider when working through your insurance claim and getting back on the road. I've been through this with Porsches (young and old) many times and I've learned a few things.

    I agree with DanMan32 -- I just don't see how the could replace all four corners for $5700. I've had a lot of experience in repairing cars and working with insurers. Aside from the parts, labor, paint etc., there's also the depreciated resale value and the time you'll be inconvenience and perhaps driving a rental. $5700 just won't cover it and you'll be incrementally repairing and replacing parts on the car until it functions happily. There's going to be what is sometimes called "hidden" damage (which the assessor cannot discover because they cannot disassemble the vehicle and even a component that looks fine turns out to be damaged in some unpredictable way.)

    I urge you to get another quote and have another repairer look very thoroughly into the damage. You're not required to accept the lowest or any quote for repair and you certainly don't have to work with a repairer nominated by the insurer.

    If you take 15% off fair market value (which is still MSRP today) and adjust for mileage, condition and options, the replacement cost might average $25K and the claim will be at least $5K if these are only superficial repairs, then at least $3K in depreciation, then another $1K to rent an equivalent car for a month (assuming you take the car back at least once, say to get the alignment redone, to shake out any noises, rattles or other consequences...) and I'd adjust that $5700 to $10K as more realistic ... at least in California, for sure ... and suddenly the insurer is writing a check for around $15K on a vehicle with a $25K market value. You can work with the claims adjuster, if you so wish, to work out your claim. They would normally pay you the cost of sales tax etc. for a new vehicle replacement (assuming HUMU is basically a new vehicle) but you might "give up" that 10% (or whatever it might be in your situation) and say, look I'll take a pay-out write-off of $20K ... just to pick a number ... and they defray the claim by selling the salvage vehicle, which, if they're right, will get them a good number. And in balance, you get a new car (and it's easy to get a new Prius to any spec within a matter of two weeks these days) and you're driving a new car, fresh warranty and full resale value etc. etc. You might even close off any extended warranty or service contract to redeem for a pro-rated value etc. Ultimately, I always advise any customer "on the line" between significant repairs or a write-off, unless there's other factors, to take the write-off, work with the insurer on a fair claim pay-out and move on in a new car. Just in terms of vehicle integrity and safety (Will it be as strong the next time it gets hit? Is your family safe in a car that's repaired in a body shop instead of coming straight from the factory?) convenience and peace of mind, I prefer to see the customer in a new car ... and that's a pretty straight word of advice ... because I'd be making money on the repairs and won't see a dime out of them once they're in a new car!

    My ... lengthy ... two cents' worth ... good luck whatever comes.

  16. loco

    loco New Member

    Jun 8, 2005
    Orange County
    Sorry to hear about HUMU's hit and run. I am new to the forum and has no first hand encounters with HUMU, but HUMU seems to be well-loved by all.

    Going thru an insurance claims process myself and am daily thankful that I have AAA insurance and am glad to hear you are happy with yours too.

    Good luck with HUMU and hope you find the person who hit HUMU.
  17. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US
    Wow! I just found the Prius Art Car thread. A few days ago Bob was describing his plans for Prius decoration.

    Edit: It can be found at Any Prius "Art Cars" Out There?

    So again...what color? Of course you are entitled to have the original color if you really want it, but do you? I'm not trying to be nosy, but polls on PriusChat have been second guessing color choices since forever.
  18. Spanky1

    Spanky1 Junior Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    I had the same thing happen last summer to my truck. About 10 pm while taking a shower to go to work, the wife came in and said someone hit my truck and took off. 3 days later I found the car without it's front end about 10 blocks from my house. The guy no doubt was dwi as he had several others on his DL history. It also looked like he may have broken his ankle but never got medical attention. :D To this day he thinks I have found him because his bumper and license plate fell off somewhere while driving away. Needless to say, I had the boys lump him up a little more with a fistful of tickets.

    Stan J
  19. bobc

    bobc New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Durham, NH

    so sorry Bob, Here's all my points.

    It's great that you've got the best body shop in town working for you...

    I too, have some concerns about more significant damage since the car was pushed up over a curb and all four tires took a hit. For peace of mind, you may want to go over this with your body shop and hear what their thoughts are.

    The best,
  20. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Yikes, sorry about your bad experience Bob. Glad to hear it's all working out, and hopefully the perp who did this hurt themself in the process. I hope you get a chance to post some before/after pics once HUMU is back up. :)
