My 2007 Prius Hybrid (92k miles) has developed a loud humming noise. It seems to be coming from in front of the driver side under the hood. The hum begins at less than 20mph and changes "pitch" with speed. It sounds like a tire with low air (not the problem). It also changes when the car is turned from side to side. No change in performance or MPG otherwise. Ideas? Wheel bearing is what most are saying along with a fluid situation with the transaxle.
Yeah it definitely sounds like a wheel bearing. Better that it *is* a wheel bear rather than a transaxle problem. BTW. At 92k miles you definitely should look at getting the transaxle fluid drained and refilled in any case.
That's a wheel bearing. I Lost drivers at 30,000 miles. If you can turn on a quiet road and change the pitch its wb for sure. Mine made a wup wup noise at a specific speed like 30 to 55 iirc. New tires same noise. At my mileage/year it was UW but look for around $500 at dealer. Hub w/bearing cost's $150 last I looked online at Champion Toy.