Three Remain In Race For GM's Hummer According to reports, there are now just three parties interested in acquiring General Motors’ (GM) underperforming brand Hummer. Sources close to the matter said current offers ranged from $100m to $200m in cash and other commitments. Surprisingly, none of the bidders are automakers, and only one is from the US. Two of the bidders are thought be a private equity firm and a wealthy private investor. Under the sale terms, the buyer would take on GM’s liabilities for its 125 US Hummer dealerships and make commitments to invest in areas such as engineering and marketing. However, certain GM plants, such as the one in Louisiana which makes the Hummer H3, will not be part of a deal. Instead, GM will continuing making the model and supply it to the new owner.
I can't help but shake my head and laugh at all of the fancy new Hummer dealerships that have shot up over the last few years. And now they aren't worth the acreage they're occupying. Sad. And stupid.
Whoever buys Hummer should take advantage of its heavyduty suspension and convert it to electric. Imagine an electric Hummer charging in your driveway. Not only is it the meanest car on the streets, but suddenly it's also the greenest. Take out that big'ole engine and drivetrain and you can fit a lot of batteries on that platform. The power that takes the Tesla from 0-60 in 4 seconds (or thereabouts) will be plenty on this behemoth for 'normal' use, though some will still want more and there's plenty of room on the chassis to add more. The car has already passed U.S. safety requirements and already has a cult following. People who buy a Hummer are already expecting a certain pricetag. If done intelligently, I think it would work.
I've never understood why the H1 was even offered to the public. A lot of folks had more money than brains, I guess. They were quickly surprised at how cramped and uncomfortable the civilian H1 was Perhaps the best year of the H1 was the last year it was offered, with the Duramax diesel and Allison 5 speed auto. Compared to the genuine HMMWV, the Duramax civilian version is a luxury car Even the Army is now interested in hybrids and electrics Army?s Diesel-Electric ?Aggressor? Vehicle Could Be Iraq?s First Hybrid - Popular Mechanics I'm sure a lot of "big truck" fanboys are clutching their chests in unison over just the thought of an Army hybrid vehicle As far as the "tough boy" image H2 (Tahoe) and H3 (Colorado), I doubt anybody will miss them when they're gone. If the used market is any indication, the depreciation is downright frightening
Utah company to unveil new electric-powered truck/SUV - Salt Lake Tribune How does an auto innovator generate enthusiasm among environmentalists for a massive truck or SUV that drinks gasoline like a thirsty camel? One way is to replace the eight-cylinder power plant with a powerful electric motor assisted by a fuel-sipping four-cylinder engine that makes electricity for the vehicle if its batteries run low. Raser Technologies, the Provo-based geothermal power development company, will unveil such a vehicle at the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, which meets in Detroit later this month. Raser won't say what the prototype vehicle is until the conference begins. The company's Web site shows it as a Hummer H3. But an artist's drawing suggests the vehicle may be a full-size pickup. Whatever it is, Raser's claims for the vehicle are jaw-dropping. In its all-electric mode, the vehicle runs up to 40 miles before its three lithium-ion batteries must be recharged. If the truck or SUV goes farther than 40 miles, it makes its own electricity, allowing the vehicle to travel up to 400 miles. Top speed is 100 miles an hour. A turbine powered by the four-cylinder engine makes the electricity to recharge the batteries while the vehicle is moving. With the engine operating, the vehicle is said to get more than 100 miles per gallon, while emitting few pollutants. To recharge the vehicle overnight, a power cord is simply plugged in. "Our power train makes a pickup truck greener than a Prius," David West, vice president of marketing at Raser, said Thursday.
Not to mention, if you actually lose control and drift into something, it ain't gonna hurt the 50 tonnes of tank!!! The item you drift into though ...H'mmmmm Oh yeah, let the Government buy Hummer. After all the armed forces buy more of those things than everybody else. Why buy retail, when you can buy wholesale!!!
I could never understand why a gun was never an option. Most of the people who own a Hummer really want to drive a tank.
Hummer gets jolted back to life The Raser Tech electric Hummer H3 can be charged via 120V or 220V electricity via a plug-in port, which is of course hiding behind the fuel filler. Where exactly you put the fuel, we don't know. All of this sounds pretty much like the Volt, doesn't it? The tall claims will have to be backed by road tests but we'll just have to wait and see if Raser Tech can out-do the General on this one. The company plans on unveiling the finished product next weekend at the SAE World Congress in Detroit and we'll be ready to bring you all the details... Jalopnik - 100 MPG Hummer H3: Volt Goes Off-Road - 100 MPG Hummer
Re: Hummer gets jolted back to life I always hated Hummers and big trucks well before the gas-mileage and pollution issues came into the light. I know several people (in my family, unfortunately) who love big trucks like the Tahoo, Excursion, Ford F350, and the Hummer. I guess that is what I get for living in Texas. Even my 18 year old cousin (who is a female!) is like this. Her dream vehicle is to drive a F350 dually. She doesn't haul anything, has no need of the utility it offers. She just wants it to drive around town in and go about her business. My brother loves to have the biggest vehicle on the road. It makes him feel very manly. He goes through different trucks several times a year, he's never happy. He's had trucks that were just barely street legal because they were almost classified as monster-trucks. I think he got like 4 or 5 miles per gallon in those things. But I always hated those types of vehicles because I fully understood the mentality of people on the street driving them. How they feel so big and bad in their giant vehicle. I was SO GLAD when gas prices shot up last summer. I know plenty of people that would hate me for saying that. But it had the effect of making those vehicles undesirable, which was a good thing for me. Have you ever tried to pull in or out of a parking space at the supermarket when somebody has parked their F-350 dually next to you? I got stuck one time where I had a big monster like that parked on each side of me. There was no way to get out of my parking spot. I had to sit there until somebody moved. It ended up being the car in front of me allowing me to cut through the parking lot. I mean, what a load of jerks. It gives me pleasure to see those Hummer dealerships dying off.