Hopefully it was safe. We normally don't hand out candy, but my wife wanted to this year. A lot of kids just came up, opened their bags....didn't say "trick or treat" or "thank you". What a crappy Holiday- I think trick or treating should be strictly for the shopping malls, and there should be an age limit of say 12 years old. I had teens coming up and I didn't even know what the hell they were supposed to be, other than just regular everyday plain 'ole punks. I did have a 8-9 year old come dressed with a 20lb dog food bag over his torso. Times must really be tough. Doubt I'll hand out candy anymore. __________________
Went to bed at 9PM , tried to sleep, waste of time, got up, played games on computer then went back to bed at midnightish. No one knocked on my door, thank bunny!
Ours was wet and cold, but then that's common around here for Halloween and pretty much the norm for this entire spring/summer/fall. We live in the center of the village, but only had 12 trick or treaters. Our village gives out hot dogs and brats at the village office, which is right next to our building. Most of the community comes out for a little community picnic despite the normally lousy weather. Trick or treating follows that. The evening closes with a carnival at the school. We started this many years ago to give the big kids something constructive to do on Halloween. The high school kids plan, assemble, and operate the carnival. The younger kids come and participate. Ticket sales are used for school extracurricular activities. As usual, we had a great turn out for the carnival. Tom
It was the second time I had taken the twins out for trick-or-treating... Since the grandkids are 7, I kept them in the neighborhood for a two block radius... away from the city limits. One in four houses were actively participating, and it was apparent they were having as much a good time at looking at the costumes as the kids were at getting more booty in the bag... Evie was a dirty pirate (and told everyone she met she was with an "aarrrgggg")... Suzie was a fairy princess (with her magic wand)... quite appropriate for them I might add... I went as a painter, cause, I didn't change clothes after doing the trim on the back porch, the frau said leave the paint on and wash up when y'all get back, so I did... 45 minute walk around and their candy sacks were loaded, and their little feet were starting to drag. Back at the house: We handed out about 300 pieces of candy to more than 200 trick-or-treaters last night... including the adult fuzzy-foreigners... some of them adults we've seen for 10 years now making the rounds, you'd think they'd have gotten the clue by now that it's really for kids... we give them candy anyways, I'm just saying I don't go to the doors with a sack in my hands now (although, I must admit, there are a few moments when I should have/wanted too, there were a few hotties dressed up all vampish and handing out candy, talk about MILFage, all in good fun, and not too slutty)... We had a good time, and everyone we met was enjoying the wonderful Sacramento weather for the weekend/full moon Halloween event. We hope your evening was as pleasant and fun as ours was.
We just had a couple of kids this year. Digby was barking out of control, so I pick him up and take him with me to the door. Ours is probably the scariest house on the street for that reason. :madgrin:
That's an interesting custom. Do they have many takers? Around here, the brats dress up and go begging for candy. See, it's not just for kids, is it? This was one of the few years I haven't gone out with the kids, and now I'm sure that's more fun than staying home giving out candy. It's a good opportunity to say hello to friends and neighbours, and neat to see all the creative costumes. Many local businesses get into the spirit, too, with decorations and costumes. Our dog had an interesting encounter with a masked bandit in the backyard, but everyone survived unscathed.
We had about 30 kids last night. Best part was overhearing a group say "remember this house last year". Repeat business is great. We had perfect 40s and dry weather, no breeze. Great for our fog machine and strobe light. We always do Halloween with lights and effects. It was fun...and I think the trick or treaters had some too!
Sounds like some of you had fun overall though. I started the evening with my roomate and his 2.5yr old. His grandmother's neighbor hood had the most children I'd ever seen trick or treating at once. It was none-stop stick or treating. You couldn't close the door because there was a steady stream of kids. Most were dressed up very creatively so it was a joy. Then for the second half of the eveing we headed to the Bay area to meet up with friends. The girls (Miller Lite girls) dressed up a Fembots from Austin Powers and once we got the the Saddlerack (big country/rock bar and danceclub) it just got kind wild. After many kisses, dances, and an overall awesome time I drove home at 3am with a drunk roomate who managed to NOT roll the window down or open the plastic bag I gave him to throw up in and now my window, seat, floor, and part of the dash is coasted in throw up. I tried rolling thw window down for the 2nd phase but that only allowed the finer particles to hit me! I got home at 5:10am but I am already receiving messages from the pretty girls so I'm not too mad about the car. Maybe I'll post a pic or two when they get uploaded.
Put candy out for the trick or treaters and then headed to the LSU/Tulane football game where we trounced Tulane 42-0!!
Bru, I cracked the windows and walked away from that mess. I'm trading Brian cars and he is going to get it detailed to clean it all up0. I can't stand to look it it. I had to drive home for 3hrs in that mess. Windows stayed down to keep me from being sick.
F8L.....I'm so-o-o sorry to hear that.....oh, that's too many word pictures for me.....hope everything cleans up ok...
Halloween has become a crappy situation. I no longer decorate for it or give out candy d/t the car loads that troll neighborhoods that are not theirs, 6'3" goons w/o costumes and parents with infants looking for free candy. I have a friend that has a kid Halloween parties and they a skipping most of the door to door stuff. Much safer for all involved.
We spent last night with some friends - had a potluck meal, talked awhile, then we went out into the back yard, under the lovely nearly full moon, and had our Samhain ritual. It was chilly. But, very meaningful.
......handed out a lot of candy and found the yard littered this morning ......great holiday (for kids, that is).
Well, Rae, if you were dancing naked in the moonlight again, I can understand you thought the night was a little chilly.
This was my first year when neither of my kids went trick or treating! So sad! My oldest just started college. My 15 year old was planning on going, but she was sick and said that she thinks she is too old now to trick or treat. Considering that she dresses like a hooker most of the time now, that might be a good thing. Of greater concern to me is the lack of candy. We live on a country road where the houses are pretty far apart. My kids pretty much gave up trick or treating here and prefer to go with friends who live in a densely populated area. Many years we have no trick or treaters...This year, only the 2 little girls who moved in next door. I bought only a small bag of candy, thinking that my daughter would bring home plenty anyway (I always steal hers). Well, by 7 pm our little visitors had already come and gone and my daughter and I had eaten the rest of the bag, so now I'm left high and dry. On the positive side, there is something nicely creepy about Halloween in semi-rural Mass., with the crunchy leaves, scudding clouds, breezy nights, and pumpkin patches.
Ok as promised here is one pic from last night. I wanna see everyone elses now. If you look closely into the pink fuzzy stuff you can see the nipple guns lol. The other pic is the rest of our Austin Powers Fembot group posing with the costume contest winner. an 8ft. tall Stay Puff Marshmallow man! Here is a link to the Austin Powers scene with the Fembots in case you are not familiar with them.