I have a couple of plastic panels that are hanging somewhat loose under my Prius. It looks like one or two of the clips are broken, but a couple of them still have the male clip (p/n: 90467-17027-C0) inserted. How do I remove these? Can't figure it out! Thanks!
All the underpanel clips, you pry up the center disk, that lets the jaws relax inward, and then it'll pull out. if they're gritty it will be tricky. Go slow, and use as wide a pry tool as possible. Or two-sided if it's really fighting. You can also use the two sided tool under the whole fastener head. Here's my tools, they're all handy at one time or another. The paint can opener I use the most, because of the right angle tip. The slim-blade screw driver is sometimes best. And sometimes, especially if you get them started but they're fighting, the red handled tool is good, due to being double sided it's gentler if the fastener is stuck/jammed. Also, ALWAYS wash them out in hot/soapy water before reinstall, and work the mechanism a bit while washing.
Thanks - is that the "Toyota Prius Transmission Drain And Refill" video? So you just pry them loose with a flat head?
Thanks Mendel. It just so happens we have a paint can opener handy! I'll give it a try. It looks like on one of the clips, only a small part of the center disk is left. How would you handle that? Broken Undercarriage Clip by Peakbagger posted Mar 18, 2018 at 8:07 PM
Either pull that clip out or push the center part in to undo it, and that looks like the wrong clip they installed.
I maybe misspoke lol, saying they're all the same. The engine underpanel fasteners arr, apart from having minor size variations, but going back into the mid-length panels, there are some different ones: large diameter, that hold the panel a bit away from the car body. I haven't messed with those. There's also a wack of different styles of fasteners on the body-coloured plastic rocker panel. Again, something I haven't touched. I've noticed a few of the latter disintegrating though. Can you clarify where that pic is?
Mendel, you're close - I've been able to identify broken ones at these two locations: Prius Undercarriage by Peakbagger posted Mar 19, 2018 at 11:21 AM Based on that, are those the wrong clips as NutzandBoltz mentioned? The replacement clips are slightly different but I think with the same idea, functioning as standoffs.
The full panels might be #'s 24 and 25 here: Floor & Rails for 2012 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts Not too long back, someone else was looking for those fasteners, and I can't recall if it was resolved, if it was possible to just get the fasteners, or you had to spring for the full panel. Dealership parts department might be more able to determine that.
Figured it out. Just had to unscrew it from the bolt, LOL. Replacement works like a charm. The other clip, which holds the two overlapping panels to the car is different, though. Looks like another trip to the parts department!
Don't know if this appropriate thread but here goes. I paid for life-time oil change from Lithia Toyota and have been very happy for the 125K miles UNITL I noticed a portion of the under cover hanging down and appeared to have been damaged from scraping the road. I looked underneath and noticed the square portion (normally moved while still attached to access filter and drain bolt) was missing. I also determined there were several broken clips. I went to the dealership that does my service and questioned one of the service writers if they replaced the broken clips if broken. He said no, and really, I didn't even need the undercover. I was not amused; especially as I broke a couple of them getting the whole undercover off to reattach the loose piece and paid a buck a piece for replacements. My concerns are if the undercover serves no useful purpose, why is it there? If, as I understand it, they are "missing" on most cars, did they just fall off while going down the road, tearing up the undercarriage and flying up and hitting another car? If they are that incompetent (can't use the correct tool or replace what they broke), why am I letting them do ANYTHING to my car? I have spoken to the sales guy who kind of hinted the lack of concern on service part but will be going for replacement of the items they broke and from now on, I'll bring some extra clips and inspect it before I leave.
That's why prepaid oil changes are garbage. They're not liable for any damages (unless the word small claim court is used) if they "forget" to tighten drain bolt, put in the paper cartridge and not put in the correct or use the lowest quality engine oil. They aren't obligated to replace any broken missing pins either, it's funny to see many cars drive pass with drain oil flaps scrubbing the ground.
Yeah, take a fragile plastic underpanel with finicky fasteners, and a local flap at the oil pan, with a "hinge" made of thin/brittle plastic, then add rushed, under the gun mechanics, and you have what you have. The best way to avoid this in future: DIY your oil changes if at all possible. Repair/replace fasteners and/or the whole panel, as needed. Remove the fasteners carefully (per discussion above), and before reinstall wash the grit out of them with soapy water, working the mechaism a bit. Also put a drop of oil on the threads of the bolts, and hand-tighten them not too agressively. The attachment has parts numbers. (FWIW, I've done about 15 oil changes, taking the full panel off each time, and had it off at least another 5~6 times. I've had one fastener that missing one tooth. And one of the bolts fell off, my bad: I left them loose to assist in aligning all the holes. And then forgot to tighten...)
I am having the same issue, do you have the part number for those clips? One of the clips its gone and the other one its broken but still holds. Thank you