Lately there have been virus warnings popping up on peoples machines when they try and log in or use various features of the forum. Some of the responses I have read indicate that some people don't understand how to make a screenshot. Here is a short set of instructions for those using the Windows operating system to make a screenshot without having anything extra. Let's assume that you have tried to log into the forum and are being presented with a warning from your virus scanner. While that message is still visible on your screen, use your keypad, and hit the PRINT SCRN button. This immediately captures what you are looking at and stores the information on the Windows Clipboard. Then simply open MS Paint, the very simple graphics editor that comes with Windows, look at the menu bar at the top upper left. You will find a feature that says EDIT, open that drop down window and choose PASTE. Now the image that you captured using the print screen key is now available for editing in MS Paint. You can simply choose to save the image and attach it to your message if you are able to log into the forum at a later time.Alternately if you are using another graphics editing program everything is the same as above until you locate where you can paste a new image. A third method is to find and download a free screenshot program such as "Howie's Quick Screen Capture" from Howie's Funware Screen Savers Simply d/l and install it, have it running and then just hit the Print Screen key or capture your screen. The program will automatically create a capture of the screen for you without opening MS PAINT or anything else. hope this helps someone !