Hi Folks! My 2004 Prius has its wiper arms currently sitting a bit higher than they usually are, we originally purchased the car like this, it isn't a big issue, just annoying as the previous owner purposelly used smaller wiper size so they don't obstruct the path and what not. Anywho, I want to replace the entire blade, but I want to buy the original size, thus adjusting the arms back to the normal position they are supposed to be in, does anyone know how I can do this? From my understanding in other vehicles, there usually is a screw that you loosen up, and than adjust the arm as you wish, just not sure if this is the case with the Prius. If anyone happens to know how to do this, and if proper diagrams are available, that would be great! Thanks!
when you pull the arm off, the hub should have vanes around the outside. like a gear. and the inside of the arm has similar in a male to female situation. when you slide the arm over the hub, the splines lock it in that position. difficult without pictures.
Oh okay, would you happen to know how I would go about removing the arm, or the caps that seem to be covering those gears by any chance? I tried to prop it with my hands earlier today, but had no luck, I am assuming their must be a special way to properly disassemble the piece.
sorry, i've never done it. i'm sure someone will jump in who has, and probably with pics. or you can ask the parts guy at toyota when you buy the new one. all the best!
Ah okay, no problem, thanks for the explanation! Just to clarify, would I need a new part when adjusting the arm? Or were you referring to the actual wiper blade? I was intending on getting whatever is on sale haha
no, i meant the wiper blade. you can buy cheap, there just won't be any advice. i'm sure someone here will have drawings and instructions in a few days.
I use a cordless impact with a socket to take the nuts off. I don't remember if it's a 12 or 14 mm socket. The driver side has 1 nut and the passenger side has 2. Just pull the arm up off of the shaft and rotate it slightly in the desired direction and put it back on. I like my wipers to lay flat at the bottom of the glass. Tighten them back up and you're done.
Would you mind elaborating how to remove the housing that are hiding the nut? I haven't been able to get around to that part yet, unfortunately UPDATE: I actually figured out what you meant by two bolts, I originally thought the arm was unable to be pulled, but it was just stuck in their. I than saw the driver side arm and when I wiggled the cap around, I just pulled it out and boom saw the bolt. I unscrewed the bolts with my ratchet, and than adjusted the arms, to the position they should be in, and BOOM, it is solid! This was so simple, it was just a matter of using more effort to pull out the cap and the arm that was just stuck their haha...
Usually the windshield has two small dots which show where the two wiper blade ends are supposed to be, when the wipers are parked.
Yup, those dash like marks. That is where I parked the wipers. They work so much better now that I don't even think I need to change the blades anymore... I think the original position just was at a weird slant that when at specific speeds it may have altared the wiping of the blades, not sure. But I am still amazed nonetheless.