I don't see any recommendation of how soon should change Engine Water pump? And there are inverter water pump too right. As it goes bad, overheat while driving. 3 Gen Engine Water Pump after market about $300. I'm look to change since I'm going to change both engine and inverter coolant anyway. Any input are welcome.
Did the engine water pump on our old 2010 at 175 k miles and the inverter water pump at 199 k miles. Worked for us.
Related question:. Do these pumps typically provide warning symptoms before failure, for example, unusual noise or slightly higher coolant temperature?
I guess too early to conclude it yet.. It's about averagely change Engine water pump on 150K+ miles. ??
Other than general maintenance (fluid, brakes, EGR cleaning etc)? Yes, I had to replace the head gasket a few thousand miles back. Soon will have to replace one of the wheel bearings (it's been "dying" for the last 100K or so), shocks & struts. That's it, HV battery never gave me a problem so far.