So I talk to my dealer 2 days ago and our Prius is in "A Status", meaning it is in port and all options are completed and is sitting ready to be loaded on a truck. I talk to him today to get the VIN #, now the Prius is in "I Status" which means it is on the truck, on it's way, and will be here tonight! Yikes!! They have no problem holding it, it's mine, BUT how can I sleep knowing my '06 SSB with gray leather is just sitting there waiting on me. They said they will call me when it arrives and I can come look at it, or take it. I'm trying to wait, but this is rrrrreeeeeaaaaaallllll hard!!!!! :blink: :angry:
Are you waiting to pick it up after the 1st of the year for tha tax credit? Or do you just need to wait until tomorrow?
My advice to you is to start drinking heavily. :lol: [Broken External Image]:
The dealer will hold it for me until Jan 2nd so we can get the Tax Credit. But 10 days is a long time when it is just sitting there. I don't want others sitting in it, touching, looking, etc! Sounds dumb I know, but we've been waiting since August and we are ready.
I feeeel your pain! Hopefully the time will pass quickly. Regarding sitting, touching, looking, etc., maybe you can contact your salesperson and express your concerns. Couldn't hurt. Either that or get some of this stuff --> and encircle your car with it.
Have them install an XM radio and tint the windows while you wait! Maybe mud-flaps and an EV button if they're amenable too.
Divide the approximately $2,500 difference between the tax deduction and the tax credit by 10 and you are making $250 a day just sitting here in Prius Chat
Also, somewhere around here there's a thread on what to do while you wait...has some really good ideas....Knowing how well the search engine works here that could be a good way to spend a few days...just trying to find that thread!
That's about right. At that point the last thing on your mind will be your new car. Just a few short weeks of wishing you were dead and then voila! It's time to go take delivery.
So since I started this thread, The dealer just called, now my Prius is here!! I'm going to go look at it, I have to , He said if we wanted to wait he would close the book on it, and we could get it Jan 2nd? Anyway, he said they would clean it up and put it on the showroom floor, so it would be safe. :huh: Not sure if I like that or not. I'll let you know how this turns out, but the wife is doin' backflips, so I may be in trouble. :mellow:
yep, go get a case of champagne to celebrate... if you do it right you'll wake up on the 1st... :lol:
OMG! The showroom floor! Adults sitting in YOUR driver's seat and farting into YOUR cushion... Unattended kids picking their noses and hiding the boogers just inside YOUR wheel wells... Perhaps even graveyard cleaning crew jumping into your back seat for a quickie... I wouldn't go that route unless you can put a Baby Monitor inside. Then you can sit home and kill the time by listening in to what's happening. If you're not too drunk to type, you could even transcribe it, and post the best things here. B)
I am with Jack on this one, the showroom floor would not be my first choice as a holding area for my new Prius..... Some safer areas might include; abandoned in a gang neighborhood, crowed parking lot for compact cars, beach front property prior to a Cat 4 hurricane..... you get my direction. I think my first 'serious' choice would be back in the garage....... Beyond the gruesome scenarios that Jack provided, I have thought of a few more that would not be pleasant; back pockets that contain sharp objects, small children climbing around on the hood and trunk, bubble gum stuck to (enter your choice here), small child sitting in my leather seat with a 'bladder or bowel' control problem..... :angry: Let's hope if a 'quickie' does happen on/in your new Prius, the porter cleans it prior to delivery....... I am sure everything will be fine.