Actually, I'd ask how many BTU of energy you consumed in your car. Gallons of Gasoline, E10, Diesel etc all have different energy content. A Gallon is not measure of energy consumption. Someone could burn less gallons of Diesel Fuel and still use more energy and produce more pollutants than someone burning more Gasoline.
190.059 Gallons between December 31, 2005 and December 29, 2006. In that time, I traveled 10,432.2 miles averaging 54.889 MPG.
927.009 litres between 4th Jan 2006 and 2nd Jan 2007. That'll be 244.890 gallons. Travelled 19,091.5kms (11 862.9 miles)
I bought my Prius on 6/29/06 9pm, last filled up on 6/29/07 7:30pm 364 days and 22.5 hrs later, she ran 11433 miles, I pumped 245.218 gallons of E10 (not sure what gas was in my Prius when I bought her)
Since a year ago today, I've burned exactly 350.016 gallons (I keep count on an excel sheet). My Prius has cost me exactly 7.3 cents/mile of commute on average, if you just consider the money I spent on gasoline. Yeah my mpg isn't all that great (damn lead foot!)