How many different partnumbers there are for EPS ECU?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by Lares_Mat, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. Lares_Mat

    Lares_Mat Member

    May 17, 2014
    2009 Prius
    Hi there!
    The question would be:
    How many different part numbers there are for EPS ECU in a Prius gen3?

    I know, there are Priuses with LKA in the USA, there are Priuses wilt IPA (Intelligent Park Assist) all over the world, and there are Priuses with no of the above.

    Are the electrical power steering control units everywhere the same?
    Or do they have different part numbers for the same functionality and are swappable (maybe some improvements in the software)?
    Have they all the same connectors? The same wires going in and out?

    I know, a lot of weird questions, but where else could I ask them? :)


    #1 Lares_Mat, Dec 30, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yes you could ask about anywhere or it's breaking out the factory service manual my shed some light on those things or parts number lookup could possibly reveal many of those things someone's going to have to sit down with paper and pen and sit there and go over that stuff like they were going to be interested in upfitting a vehicle with various and sundry things it doesn't have and then you'll find out pretty much that there's quite a few proprietary things in the vehicles that have these features and that may not be easily moved over unless you want to spend lots of time re-engineering well the Prius with the given options you want many times that stuff is integrated deep into the systems to make those changes would be quite costly like buy another car costly If not even more so it may be something to consider the people who do crazy work like this or used to do it many aren't around anymore and many don't do things like this because of the associated costs and things involved Can you get just really silly when you can just buy a car from the car lot next door that has the stuff on it you need . Toyota modifications server used to be a great resource haven't been there in many years probably many things have changed
  3. Lares_Mat

    Lares_Mat Member

    May 17, 2014
    2009 Prius
    I can google or otherwise find out the part numbers for the EPS ECUs for a few VIN numbers (I have to be sure, if they have the needed features).
    As for this moment I can tell, that a Prius with and without IPA has different part numbers for it.
    But this are a 2010 and a 2012 face lift Prius - so not sure if it is not a face lift change (with the same function and updated software)...

    I can not tell anything about cars with LKA - I live in Europe and here we had no possibility to buy Priuses with LKA. Would someone be ready to post here a VIN of a Prius with LKA? Or check the part number and post it here?

    I am perfectly aware of the grade of difficulty and cost of “upgrading” features like this, but I'm not asking questions about cost or difficulty :)

    As of my knowledge, for IPA and for LKA, there are specialized ECU units in the cars, which have these features.

    So I am asking myself - if the IPA ECU and/or the LKA ECU can drive the PSA with CAN bus commands, is there any differences in the EPS ECU on the different models (Toyota would have to build and pay for three different EPS ECU models - they are tending not to do this - they eventually cut the costs on the wiring only).

  4. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yes you may not have the option of buying the said car next door at the lot near you because well your country doesn't support that or they don't sell that there because of some agreement they have with somebody somewhere or whatever is going on couldn't tell you Toyota modifications server could be your friend in some of this but then again I'm not sure Toyota mods people that really spent a lot of time with Prius given the prius's duty in the grand scheme of things not really a modders car. Which may or may not be important for your project but it would take somebody many hours of sit down time with part numbers and manuals and things like that to come up with solid answers A lot of sensors are involved in these three letter features that you're asking for and about so there's lots of extraneous pieces that you would need to move over It's kind of like fitting the SKS locking and remote system to a non-SKS car a lot of work much cheaper to go buy a generation two with SKS than even consider moving all the parts to a base from an SKS car and with the items you're asking about would be even more intense . And then who's going to support it when you need things done to it and work done on it Just you yourself and not them . But I guess really cool thoughts or what have you I'd be interested to know or see if anybody's even taking up the task to look into it deep enough because they realize right off the bat that it's more than most folks are going to want to bite off for a daily driver commuter car I mean it's quite another thing to do this to a classic vehicle that's going to be around for 40 years on the car show circuit or what have you but to just a regular beater that you're going to flog up and down the road for 5 years and then throw away due to rust and whatever seems like a lot of work whether it gets done or not just a thinking about it seems like a lot of work.
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    When I'm over messing around at the dealership I'll ask my buddy Thomas way who's kind of into this stuff what he thinks about that The response ought to be pretty good actually.
  6. Lares_Mat

    Lares_Mat Member

    May 17, 2014
    2009 Prius
    You seem to still thinking, I want to bring this LKA or IPA functionality to my car...

    I'm not!

    More precisely - my question is, is the EPS ECU practically the same in all the differently equipped cars, or not?

    Asked differently - can I drive the EPS from my computer, for example, even if my car has neither IPA nor LKA?

    Does the EPS ECU do _anything_ on its own, as LKA or IPA is "driving" the car, or is it only performing the commanded actions coming from the LKA ECU or the IPA ECU?

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