Okay, so we're getting an idea how far people would travel to meet Octavia, and that got me wondering how far people would travel to meet me. This is a poll. Apparently the board posts the opening post as soon as you hit the "post" button but the poll does not appear until the poster has filled in the information. So please wait for the poll to appear, in a couple of minutes after this post.
Why? So you can self denigrate yourself comparing the poll to Octavia's? Of course you'll lose that comparison. The most active posters here are men. Dirty, dirty, horny men. Dirty Sheep loving men....
Ok, i just had to be mean with this one, once i saw the second option But in all honesty... the same as i marked for Octavia's poll. Generally speaking, any distance where i could go and come back in the same day is worthwhile for meeting a virtual friend.
I've been to Spokane, but that was before I had a Prius and didn't know about Daniel. I drove once and flew once.
Seattle is on the other side of the state from Spokane. -- And no, I was not trying to self-denigrate by comparing to Octavia. Obviously, more people want to meet her. I was just curious. Several people have expressed the desire to meet me. (Clearly not a dating interest.) I see that so far two people intensely do not want to meet me, and two people would make a day trip to meet me.
Actually, I had thought in the past it would be interesting to meet Daniel and look at his Zap car & maybe the Porsche. I have a sister in NW Montana, and have flown in to Spokane before (closest airport), so if I did that again, I'd have to see if he was available. (Not in the dating sense, sorry Daniel but I'm pretty sure we're not each other's type). But that's only if I'm in the area anyway. Darelldd would be another interesting person to visit. I did drive about 2 miles once to meet TonyPSchaefer back in 2006, that was interesting. If I had read more of his posts before meeting him, I might have had more trepidation, now I know he's mostly harmless.
Something I've thought about, Daniel, but not planned sufficiently to make it happen, is meeting you for a road trip through the Okanagan area of BC. There are many lovely small towns in that area, with a climate very similar to that of your hometown Spokane. I'm sure we'd find time for a hike or three, though other areas are far more interesting from that perspective. Also, as the happy recipient of several Priuschatter's visits, I can attest that it's wonderful to have someone travel a long way just to meet you. The 'virtual' part of the friendship quickly becomes quite real.
Are you considering some kind of genetic engineering? We don't agree with that kind of thing down here. Oh, wait, did I misread that? Never mind.
Ah, good old New Zealand, where sheep are sheep and chickens are chickens, with nary a cross word to be heard.
Now that you mention it I'd go to New Zealand to meet Daniel. I'll PM you my passport # to facillitate your purchase of air tickets