Hello friends, is there a way I can keep the electronic air conditioning system running with the car engine off, while parked at a RV park or campsite? I'd like to be able to tour some hot climate destinations car camping and take advantage of supplied 120v sources when parked (also have a 12v fridge to keep running). Maybe interface a 120v-12v power converter somehow? Is there ANY way to leave the car ON/READY but sustained by outside power (in elec mode) somehow? Thanks for any input
I do not recommend this, it seems to me that electrocution is bad. The A/C is run from the 201 volt battery. If you kept the 201 volt battery charged, the engine should never turn on in Ready. So you want a 120 VAC to 202 VDC charger. starting at 15:10 it discusses the A/C electrical system to 16:55
Would like to not rely on burning fuel when 120v is available. AC system uses a LOT of current and engine cycles on very frequently to keep up.