Anyone else regularly drive 110 freeway in LA... Green stickers will only be useful until the HOV lanes converted to HOT. Think PIP, Leaf, Volt, and other owners should petition for at least discounted access? I believe 10 freeway is next.
In S. Florida, a section of I-95 went that route. If we buy a $5.00 HOV sticker from the state DHSMV, we then register with the local transit (for free), provide the HOV registration info, and they send a second sticker. I used it one day and it payed for itself. The rest of the year is free! ;-D
Here in San Diego our I-15 express lanes are HOT lanes. Single drivers pay the toll (via transponder) and carpools are free - cars with stickers are also free.
Sandiegomom, if you drive on those I-15 lanes with a valid carpool lane sticker but without a transponder, how they know know you should not be cited? Seems like it would require someone manually looking at each image of a potential violator to verify.
I drive these lanes a few times a week w/ my kid in the car (I don't have a transponder). Highway Patrol will pull over violators. When you drive under the transponder-reader-thingie, it flashes green if you have one and does nothing if you don't. I have no idea if it records/photographs everyone.
They track everyone. I have one transponder, three cars (Prius/Truck/Van). When I use a car without the transponder, it's recorded, checked against DMV and charged to the account.
Could someone please provide this Northern Californian a translation of these various acronyms? Here in the S.F. Bay area we have: 1) "Carpool lanes" which can be entered and exited anywhere, and require either the specified minimum number of occupants or an appropriate white or green sticker. There is no option to pay a toll on these lanes. The rules are enforced by a police officer if present. 2) Lanes that have restricted entry/exit points, and require either at least the minimum number of occupants, or a white or green sticker, or paying a toll with a transponder. If the transponder reader indicates no payment, the other qualifying conditions are verified by a police officer if present. 3) Toll bridges that provide a discount to those with at least the minimum number of occupants, but everyone pays some toll (either with cash at a toll booth or with a transponder). The white and green stickers are not recognized. Non-payment is captured on a camera. If the license plate is associated with a transponder account, then the normal toll is charged to that account, otherwise a penalty notice goes to the registered owner of the car. So which of these is HOV, which is HOT, and which is something else?
San Clemente - so mainly the 73/241 toll roads? Those are not free for carpools, so yes you would be charged (or ticketed) regardless on those. The I-15 lanes are different - they are free for carpools, charge for non-carpool. My understanding is #1 is HOV, #2 is HOT (High Occupancy Toll, also knows as "express" lanes) and #3 is a Toll bridge or toll road.
In Washington DC the beltway going HOT lanes on Virginia side by end of 2012 completion of construction. Longer term plans I believe includes HOT lanes going down I95 in VA. On beltway it'll be HOV-3 or toll.