Is it safe to hook up an invertor to my gen 2 standard 12-volt battery. I have a Milwaukee Tool battery charger that I use to recharge many batteries for my tools at job sites and charging up my power tools batteries while I'm driving would be great. Is that posssible and safe?
Lots of threads here cover inverter hookups. Pay attention to where you tap, your wire gauge and fusing, and making sure the car is in READY when using your inverter, and it'll be fine. Being in the back, the battery is conveniently located to tap for inside-the-car purposes, but at the same time going out of your way to tap right at the battery posts doesn't buy you anything: when the car is in READY, the battery is a power recipient, not a source, so if you're tapping at the battery posts you're actually a couple connections farther downstream from the source than if you just used the nearby body ground point and the cable side of the battery fuse.
It is best to just plug something like that into the "cigarette lighter" 12 V power plug. If it draws enough to blow that fuse, I don't think I would use it. And regardless of how it's connected, the battery is small and you definitely should not use it unless the engine is "running".
lots of people here have inverters for emergency power. no prolemo, just follow chap's advice and research the threads for pics and info.