I guess the Prius has pretty much ruined me for any other cars. Even though they have a worse ride and are noisier than any other vehicle I've ever owned, the technology really grabs me.... and the MPG... I'd be sick if I ever had to drive my truck every day again! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Before I bought my Gen 3, a friend of mine who already had one warned me about this. He said, there is a problem buying a I Prius, once you have one, you will never want to go in to anything else. He is right.
I've had mine for four days and I'm already addicted! I've been reading things here like how to drive to maximize gas milage.. and I realize I could have done that when I was driving other cars and saved proportionately far more gas than I'm saving with this already economical car. Instead I was basically driving like a teenage bonehead even though I'm a committed environmentalist! D' oh!!! Ha ha.
Just did a San Diego round trip............average MPG? 50!! Opec ain't got nothing on this! Also, is it just me, or does anyone else find it interesting how we just happen to be experiencing refinery issues both on the east and west coast? Oh my! And they have to raise prices because of the refinery shut downs! Go ahead, you can't fool me anymore. Heck, remember, we were suppose to be running out of Oil world wide in 1974!!