I was just wondering how heavy the hood is. my lift supports are getting a little bit weak, so in order to replace them with the correct ones, I should know approximately how many pounds the hood weighs. BION StarCaller
I think it would be more important to know just what the weight is at the hinge point for your struts.
well, they call it lift supports / i would've called them hood dampeners or whatever.... neway, to get the right ones I need to have the weight of the hood / BION StarCaller
no, it's the aftermarket kit/ if it would be original Toyota, I could look up the parts number. now this one here has no number at all written on it. BION StarCaller
It used to be that you could look up a part and get a shipping weight. I checked numerous sites for the 53301-47050 part number and nobody lists a weight. Don't think that figure would be very useful anyway as nobody knows what the support weight would be for what Toyota calls "lift cylinders" or gas charged lift supports in this particular application. As Bisco has recommended, maybe you can find this kit and order replacements.
I know I'm being repetitive, but I think the weight of the hood is immaterial. What matters is the weight at the hinge point that the strut is being attached, with the hood installed. place a dowel of comparable length as the strut with one end at the upper strut connection point, the other end bearing on a digital scale at the lower connection point, take a reading.