Cool but why the soft approach with no cage? I understand the Crowns have special seats for cuffed passengers, true?
Yes, Crown Victoria's have special seats and plastic partitions. The partition is set to allow the front seat to go all the way back which leaves about 6 inches legroom in the back. I doubt the Camry has enough room to allow the partition. Not every police car needs to be able to do everything. This is one of the problems with most American police departments. Instead of purchasing a fleet of different vehicles to accomplish the needed tasks they purchase one vehicle that can do everything but nothing really well. Some police department use specialty vehicles. The Michigan State Police have a post in Bridgeport, Michigan, my home town. When I was in High School they had 5 supercharged Mustangs to patrol the I-75 interstate highway and chase down speeders. These didn't have partitions, the officer would radio for another car if a transport was needed. Most of the time, they just gave the speeder a ticket and sent them on their way.
I remember seeing the Mustangs. They were really cool, with the dark blue State Police colors. Another interesting thing about Michigan State Police cruisers is that they still use a single large gumball light. They only have the one large red light on the top, not the now common light bar full of strobes and disco lights. Tom