I purchased a new Blizzard Pearl '10 yesterday.:cheer2: I love it, I traded in a Barcelona Red '07 Prius, which I also loved. Anyway, my old Prius did have Homelink before I purchased it, and the new one had it installed for me as it did not come w/any of the packages. I have the Solar Roof package in a III. My old Homelink loaded my garage door immediately, with no problems. When I tried to do it last night, every time I pressed the buttons, the indicator light on the mirror turned red and would not do a thing w/the garage door. I wonder why the old one worked perfectly and this doesn't. If I have to press the "learn" button on the actual opener on the garage roof, I am in huge trouble, it is at least 12 feet up. I do know that my remote opener looks ancient, but it works. I paid extra for the mirror so I need to get it working. Any suggestions? Why does a red light come on? Please help....thanks!
You are in trouble. You *must* learn the new remote (car) to your garage door opener - this means "pressing the button 12 feet up". Your other choice is using the remote that came with the unit, and storing it in the sun glass holder (with a little two sided sticky tape - as I did). There is no way around this. You could also drive out to So Cal, and I'd be glad to loan you my extension ladder.
It seems your Homelink is doing the same as mine did. I had to have the salesman come out and climb the ladder to the controller button on the door opener while I pressed the buttons in the car. It is really a two person job. sorry... It works great now.
On second thought - and seeing you are a veteran of 2 posts.... In what world are you living where you have a garage door opener at 12 feet? My garage as measured has 13 foot ceilings - but the garage opening is a standard 7' - the garage opener hence is 7' 8". Are you parking a bus in you garage? Maybe a train (bigger than a bus). I think your imagination has gotten the better of you...