So last night I hit the remains of a tire on the highway. It cracked my bumper which I’m so annoyed about. Is there any quick fixes I can do? I was thinking of gluing it? Thoughts?
I whacked one of those with my Gen III and ended up getting the whole front end piece replaced. They said whatever method I might try to fix it, JB Weld, etc., it would end up cracked again.
You could probably weld that back together with a hot plastic welder. They're cheap on Amazon and it isn't exactly a precision skill, for a bumper anyway. Or drill a couple of holes on either side of the tear and bind the halves with black zipties. You want the black ones so sunlight doesn't break them down in a few months.
J-B Weld Plastic Weld High Strength Automotive Epoxy Gel 0.85 oz Mfr# 50132 - Ace Hardware 99% of the battle is the prep you put into it before actually applying an adhesive. The majority of failures are due to improper preparation and lack of proper support while curing. A small piece of flat lumber and a jack would probably work wonders for keeping it aligned and pressed together while curing. Regardless of how fast it says, I'd let it sit undisturbed at least overnight.
Yep, JB plastic wield and drill a couple of holes to zip tie that crack together. You probably sheared a few of those plastic pop rivets on that rear under body cover too. Those will also need to be replaced, otherwise they will slap around down there and eventually tear-off. Hope this helps....