My 08 Prius Touring/30,000 miles, is trouble free, except my left front headlight is full of condensation most of the time. The only time it dries out (hot or cool, rain or shine) is when it's been sitting for a day or so in warm weather. Anyone else have this problem? The only solution that I can think of is to replace it and, of course, I should replace both....any suggestions? comments?? I would appreciate them! Thank you
I have on '04 Prius and don't have this problem but was just replacing the passenger side HID light bulb. There was a black cover over the back of the headlight assembly that had a large o-ring gasket on it. It's possible that this o-ring may have come off when a bulb was replaced. I would check it. If it's still there, you might try putting a little silicone-based grease on the o-ring and then reassemble it. I hope that helps. -VR P.S. - the other possibility is that the housing is cracked.