No, my name is not Dave, but my girlfriend (that bought the Prius with me) has named our car Dave. Apparently, our Prius has the same shape as her childhood pet guinea pig. We bought a brand new Mica Blue '08 with package #5. Jill is hilarious. I swear I can hear her groaning from inside the MFD when we ignore her instructions. I've been banned by the girlfriend from adorning Dave with an Apple sticker and an Obama '08 sticker. But steroeotypes be damned I'm still going to drive Dave to Whole Foods with pride (No, I'm not trying to poke fun at the Prius, not really. When I bought my MacBook Pro, my friends joked that it was just another step closer to buying a Prius.) And witness the first thing I decided to do when left alone with the car...
:welcome: Welcome to PriusChat branchero! Congratulations on Dave. But be careful with Jill, she'll ignore you on purpose. You'll be out in the desert and say, "Hide all icons" and she'll respond, "System is showing ski resort icons." Pure spite, on purpose! :der:
Congratulations. Hopefully Dave's emissions will be more, ummm, pleasant than those of her childhood pet. Tom